package prefuse.util.force; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; /** * Manages a simulation of physical forces acting on bodies. To create a * custom ForceSimulator, add the desired {@link Force} functions and choose an * appropriate {@link Integrator}. * * @author jeffrey heer */ public class ForceSimulator { private ArrayList items; private ArrayList springs; private Force[] iforces; private Force[] sforces; private int iflen, sflen; private Integrator integrator; private float speedLimit = 1.0f; /** * Create a new, empty ForceSimulator. A RungeKuttaIntegrator is used * by default. */ public ForceSimulator() { this(new RungeKuttaIntegrator()); } /** * Create a new, empty ForceSimulator. * @param integr the Integrator to use */ public ForceSimulator(Integrator integr) { integrator = integr; iforces = new Force[5]; sforces = new Force[5]; iflen = 0; sflen = 0; items = new ArrayList(); springs = new ArrayList(); } /** * Get the speed limit, or maximum velocity value allowed by this * simulator. * @return the "speed limit" maximum velocity value */ public float getSpeedLimit() { return speedLimit; } /** * Set the speed limit, or maximum velocity value allowed by this * simulator. * @param limit the "speed limit" maximum velocity value to use */ public void setSpeedLimit(float limit) { speedLimit = limit; } /** * Get the Integrator used by this simulator. * @return the Integrator */ public Integrator getIntegrator() { return integrator; } /** * Set the Integrator used by this simulator. * @param intgr the Integrator to use */ public void setIntegrator(Integrator intgr) { integrator = intgr; } /** * Clear this simulator, removing all ForceItem and Spring instances * for the simulator. */ public void clear() { items.clear(); Iterator siter = springs.iterator(); Spring.SpringFactory f = Spring.getFactory(); while ( siter.hasNext() ) f.reclaim((Spring); springs.clear(); } /** * Add a new Force function to the simulator. * @param f the Force function to add */ public void addForce(Force f) { if ( f.isItemForce() ) { if ( iforces.length == iflen ) { // resize necessary Force[] newf = new Force[iflen+10]; System.arraycopy(iforces, 0, newf, 0, iforces.length); iforces = newf; } iforces[iflen++] = f; } if ( f.isSpringForce() ) { if ( sforces.length == sflen ) { // resize necessary Force[] newf = new Force[sflen+10]; System.arraycopy(sforces, 0, newf, 0, sforces.length); sforces = newf; } sforces[sflen++] = f; } } /** * Get an array of all the Force functions used in this simulator. * @return an array of Force functions */ public Force[] getForces() { Force[] rv = new Force[iflen+sflen]; System.arraycopy(iforces, 0, rv, 0, iflen); System.arraycopy(sforces, 0, rv, iflen, sflen); return rv; } /** * Add a ForceItem to the simulation. * @param item the ForceItem to add */ public void addItem(ForceItem item) { items.add(item); } /** * Remove a ForceItem to the simulation. * @param item the ForceItem to remove */ public boolean removeItem(ForceItem item) { return items.remove(item); } /** * Get an iterator over all registered ForceItems. * @return an iterator over the ForceItems. */ public Iterator getItems() { return items.iterator(); } /** * Add a Spring to the simulation. * @param item1 the first endpoint of the spring * @param item2 the second endpoint of the spring * @return the Spring added to the simulation */ public Spring addSpring(ForceItem item1, ForceItem item2) { return addSpring(item1, item2, -1.f, -1.f); } /** * Add a Spring to the simulation. * @param item1 the first endpoint of the spring * @param item2 the second endpoint of the spring * @param length the spring length * @return the Spring added to the simulation */ public Spring addSpring(ForceItem item1, ForceItem item2, float length) { return addSpring(item1, item2, -1.f, length); } /** * Add a Spring to the simulation. * @param item1 the first endpoint of the spring * @param item2 the second endpoint of the spring * @param coeff the spring coefficient * @param length the spring length * @return the Spring added to the simulation */ public Spring addSpring(ForceItem item1, ForceItem item2, float coeff, float length) { if ( item1 == null || item2 == null ) throw new IllegalArgumentException("ForceItems must be non-null"); Spring s = Spring.getFactory().getSpring(item1, item2, coeff, length); springs.add(s); return s; } /** * Get an iterator over all registered Springs. * @return an iterator over the Springs. */ public Iterator getSprings() { return springs.iterator(); } /** * Run the simulator for one timestep. * @param timestep the span of the timestep for which to run the simulator */ public void runSimulator(long timestep) { accumulate(); integrator.integrate(this, timestep); } /** * Accumulate all forces acting on the items in this simulation */ public void accumulate() { for ( int i = 0; i < iflen; i++ ) iforces[i].init(this); for ( int i = 0; i < sflen; i++ ) sforces[i].init(this); Iterator itemIter = items.iterator(); while ( itemIter.hasNext() ) { ForceItem item = (ForceItem); item.force[0] = 0.0f; item.force[1] = 0.0f; for ( int i = 0; i < iflen; i++ ) iforces[i].getForce(item); } Iterator springIter = springs.iterator(); while ( springIter.hasNext() ) { Spring s = (Spring); for ( int i = 0; i < sflen; i++ ) { sforces[i].getForce(s); } } } } // end of class ForceSimulator