package prefuse.util.force; /** * Force function that computes the force acting on ForceItems due to a * given Spring. * * @author jeffrey heer */ public class SpringForce extends AbstractForce { private static String[] pnames = new String[] { "SpringCoefficient", "DefaultSpringLength" }; public static final float DEFAULT_SPRING_COEFF = 1E-4f; public static final float DEFAULT_MAX_SPRING_COEFF = 1E-3f; public static final float DEFAULT_MIN_SPRING_COEFF = 1E-5f; public static final float DEFAULT_SPRING_LENGTH = 50; public static final float DEFAULT_MIN_SPRING_LENGTH = 0; public static final float DEFAULT_MAX_SPRING_LENGTH = 200; public static final int SPRING_COEFF = 0; public static final int SPRING_LENGTH = 1; /** * Create a new SpringForce. * @param springCoeff the default spring co-efficient to use. This will * be used if the spring's own co-efficient is less than zero. * @param defaultLength the default spring length to use. This will * be used if the spring's own length is less than zero. */ public SpringForce(float springCoeff, float defaultLength) { params = new float[] { springCoeff, defaultLength }; minValues = new float[] { DEFAULT_MIN_SPRING_COEFF, DEFAULT_MIN_SPRING_LENGTH }; maxValues = new float[] { DEFAULT_MAX_SPRING_COEFF, DEFAULT_MAX_SPRING_LENGTH }; } /** * Constructs a new SpringForce instance with default parameters. */ public SpringForce() { this(DEFAULT_SPRING_COEFF, DEFAULT_SPRING_LENGTH); } /** * Returns true. * @see prefuse.util.force.Force#isSpringForce() */ public boolean isSpringForce() { return true; } /** * @see prefuse.util.force.AbstractForce#getParameterNames() */ protected String[] getParameterNames() { return pnames; } /** * Calculates the force vector acting on the items due to the given spring. * @param s the Spring for which to compute the force * @see prefuse.util.force.Force#getForce(prefuse.util.force.Spring) */ public void getForce(Spring s) { ForceItem item1 = s.item1; ForceItem item2 = s.item2; float length = (s.length < 0 ? params[SPRING_LENGTH] : s.length); float x1 = item1.location[0], y1 = item1.location[1]; float x2 = item2.location[0], y2 = item2.location[1]; float dx = x2-x1, dy = y2-y1; float r = (float)Math.sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy); if ( r == 0.0 ) { dx = ((float)Math.random()-0.5f) / 50.0f; dy = ((float)Math.random()-0.5f) / 50.0f; r = (float)Math.sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy); } float d = r-length; float coeff = (s.coeff < 0 ? params[SPRING_COEFF] : s.coeff)*d/r; item1.force[0] += coeff*dx; item1.force[1] += coeff*dy; item2.force[0] += -coeff*dx; item2.force[1] += -coeff*dy; } } // end of class SpringForce