package prefuse.util.ui; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Component; import java.awt.ComponentOrientation; import java.awt.Container; import java.awt.Font; import java.awt.event.InputEvent; import javax.swing.Box; import javax.swing.BoxLayout; import javax.swing.JComponent; import javax.swing.UIManager; /** * Library routines for user interface tasks. * * @author jeffrey heer */ public class UILib { // private static Image s_appIcon; /** * Not instantiable. */ private UILib() { // prevent instantiation } // public static synchronized Image getApplicationIcon() { // if ( s_appIcon == null ) { // try { // s_appIcon = new ImageIcon( // UILib.class.getResource("icon.gif")).getImage(); // } catch ( Exception e ) { // e.printStackTrace(); // } // } // return s_appIcon; // } /** * Indicates if a given mouse button is being pressed. * @param e the InputEvent to check * @param button the mouse button to look for * @return true if the button is being pressed, false otherwise * @see prefuse.controls.Control */ public static boolean isButtonPressed(InputEvent e, int button) { return (e.getModifiers() & button) == button; } /** * Set the look and feel of Java Swing user interface components to match * that of the platform (Windows, Mac, Linux, etc) on which it is * currently running. */ public static final void setPlatformLookAndFeel() { try { String laf = UIManager.getSystemLookAndFeelClassName(); UIManager.setLookAndFeel(laf); } catch ( Exception e ) {} } /** * Convenience method for creating a Box user interface widget container. * @param c an array of components to include in the box * @param horiz indicated is the box should be horizontal (true) or * vertical (false) * @param margin the margins, in pixels, to use on the sides of the box * @param spacing the minimum spacing, in pixels, to use between * components * @return a new Box instance with the given properties. * @see javax.swing.Box */ public static Box getBox(Component[] c, boolean horiz, int margin, int spacing) { return getBox(c, horiz, margin, margin, spacing); } /** * Convenience method for creating a Box user interface widget container. * @param c an array of components to include in the box * @param horiz indicated is the box should be horizontal (true) or * vertical (false) * @param margin1 the margin, in pixels, for the left or top side * @param margin2 the margin, in pixels, for the right or bottom side * @param spacing the minimum spacing, in pixels, to use between * components * @return a new Box instance with the given properties. * @see javax.swing.Box */ public static Box getBox(Component[] c, boolean horiz, int margin1, int margin2, int spacing) { Box b = new Box(horiz ? BoxLayout.X_AXIS : BoxLayout.Y_AXIS); addStrut(b, horiz, margin1); for ( int i=0; i 0 ) { addStrut(b, horiz, spacing); addGlue(b, horiz); } b.add(c[i]); } addStrut(b, horiz, margin2); return b; } /** * Add a strut, or rigid spacing, to a UI component * @param b the component to add the strut to, should be either a Box or a * Container using a BoxLayout. * @param horiz indicates if the strust should horizontal (true) or vertical * (false) * @param size the length, in pixels, of the strut */ public static void addStrut(JComponent b, boolean horiz, int size) { if ( size < 1 ) return; b.add(horiz ? Box.createHorizontalStrut(size) : Box.createVerticalStrut(size) ); } /** * Add a glue, or variable spacing, to a UI component * @param b the component to add the glue to, should be either a Box or a * Container using a BoxLayout. * @param horiz indicates if the glue should horizontal (true) or vertical * (false) */ public static void addGlue(JComponent b, boolean horiz) { b.add(horiz ? Box.createHorizontalGlue() : Box.createVerticalGlue()); } /** * Add a strut, or rigid spacing, to a UI component * @param b the component to add the strut to, should be either a Box or a * Container using a BoxLayout. * @param layout the desired layout orientation of the strut. One of * {@link javax.swing.BoxLayout#X_AXIS}, * {@link javax.swing.BoxLayout#Y_AXIS}, * {@link javax.swing.BoxLayout#LINE_AXIS}, or * {@link javax.swing.BoxLayout#PAGE_AXIS}. * @param size the length, in pixels, of the strut */ public static void addStrut(JComponent b, int layout, int size) { if ( size < 1 ) return; b.add( getAxis(b, layout) == BoxLayout.X_AXIS ? Box.createHorizontalStrut(size) : Box.createVerticalStrut(size) ); } /** * Add a glue, or variable spacing, to a UI component * @param b the component to add the glue to, should be either a Box or a * Container using a BoxLayout. * @param layout the desired layout orientation of the glue. One of * {@link javax.swing.BoxLayout#X_AXIS}, * {@link javax.swing.BoxLayout#Y_AXIS}, * {@link javax.swing.BoxLayout#LINE_AXIS}, or * {@link javax.swing.BoxLayout#PAGE_AXIS}. */ public static void addGlue(JComponent b, int layout) { b.add( getAxis(b, layout) == BoxLayout.X_AXIS ? Box.createHorizontalGlue() : Box.createVerticalGlue()); } /** * Resolve the axis type of a component, given a layout orientation * @param c a Swing Component, should be either a Box or a Container * using a BoxLayout. * @param layout the layout orientation of the component. One of * {@link javax.swing.BoxLayout#X_AXIS}, * {@link javax.swing.BoxLayout#Y_AXIS}, * {@link javax.swing.BoxLayout#LINE_AXIS}, or * {@link javax.swing.BoxLayout#PAGE_AXIS}. * @return one of {@link javax.swing.BoxLayout#X_AXIS}, or * {@link javax.swing.BoxLayout#Y_AXIS}, */ public static int getAxis(JComponent c, int layout) { ComponentOrientation o = c.getComponentOrientation(); switch ( layout ) { case BoxLayout.LINE_AXIS: return o.isHorizontal() ? BoxLayout.X_AXIS : BoxLayout.Y_AXIS; case BoxLayout.PAGE_AXIS: return o.isHorizontal() ? BoxLayout.Y_AXIS : BoxLayout.X_AXIS; default: return layout; } } /** * Sets the foreground and background color for a component and all * components contained within it. * @param c the parent component of the component subtree to set * @param back the background color to set * @param fore the foreground color to set */ public static void setColor(Component c, Color back, Color fore) { c.setBackground(back); c.setForeground(fore); if ( c instanceof Container ) { Container con = (Container)c; for ( int i=0; i