Feb 2 2006 installed GRASS on Windows with cygwin by following the directions at http://geni.ath.cx/grass.html on one of the campus laptops EPSG:32045 - NAD27 / Vermont EPSG:32145 - NAD83 / Vermont g.proj - Unable to locate component. The application has failed to start because pq.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem. .. so I reinstalled grass and got the same error. Googling the error suggests that "pq" is postgres related, and so I've tried re-installing that, with "src" checked (just because it wasn't last time). Found a remark at http://geni.ath.cx/wiki_grass.html that pq.dll is now named cygpq.dll; comment says to copy cygpq.dll to pq.dll. A file search found it at c:\cygwin\bin\cygpq.dll Start -> Run... "cmd" > cd c:\cygwin\bin > copy cygpq.dll pq.dll Asked for number of NAD83, showed list (space, q); I chose "default" - looks like it worked. It created a ~/grass_data directory as well as ~/grass_data/newLocation (what I called the new data set) and ~/grass_data/newLocation/PERMANENT/ (default given by directions) Launching it again gives two windows : 1) is a grass30 unix shell GRASS 6.0.0 (newLocation):~ > 2) is a GUI that says "GRASS 6.0.0 GIS Manager - newLocation" with menus for File, GIS, Display, Raster, Vector, Image, Grid3D, Database, Help as well as a bunch of icons and two panes. =================================================== So at this point I have a grass system (unix command line + GUI) running on both thirty and one of the windows laptops. thirty has some sample databases and a pointer to a tutorial. user/pass: toor/root on laptop with "grass" label ============================================ Spearfish dataset (and directions) available at http://grass.itc.it/download/data6.php