GIS data for use with Arc Explorer Town of Marlboro, Vermont This CD was created to load some of Marlboro's GIS data onto the town's computer for use with ESRI's ArcExplorer Software. This does not include all data available for the town; additional data are available. Data are in Vermont State Plane Coordinates, meters, NAD 1983. For more detailed information, see the Microsoft Word file INSTRUCTIONS.DOC Brief instructions: 1) Create the directory structure C:\GISDATA on your hard drive. 2) Copy the directory MARLBORO from this CD into C:\GISDATA. 3) If you wish to use the U.S. Geological Survey topographic maps, copy the directory TOPOMAPS from this CD onto your C: drive (but not into the directory GISDATA). 4) If you wish to view the sample digital orthophotos, copy the directory ORTHOS on this CD onto your C: drive (but not into the directory GISDATA). 5) In Windows Explorer, double-click on files with the extension .AEP to view ArcExplorer projects. Jeff Nugent GIS Planner Windham Regional Commission 802-257-4547