Generating relief maps in the neighborhood of a given (lat, lon) point.
Based on code from 2017/neighborhood.ipynb which used 1 arcsec usgs data.
This still runs too slowly - I'm doing too many things outside numpy and using the full data set too much - but at least it's working. :)
Jim Mahoney | May 2019
import subprocess
hostname = subprocess.check_output("hostname").decode('utf-8')[:-1]
print('host: ', hostname)
import sys
# my standard imports for numerical work
from matplotlib.pyplot import plot
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
%matplotlib inline
# and libraries for elevation .img, 3D, and .stl files
import gdal
import stl_tools
import scipy.ndimage
from stl import mesh # part of numpy-stl
from mpl_toolkits import mplot3d
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
import matplotlib.image
from matplotlib.mlab import griddata
# ane other imports
import time
# *** change these values ***
#neighborhood = {'lat0' : 42.840521, # |
# 'lon0' : -72.734916, # | Marlboro College
# 'size' : 2000.0 # | 2km (x & y length)
# }
neighborhood = {'lat0' : 42.850000, # |
'lon0' : -72.561972, # | HatchSpace 42°51'00.1"N 72°33'43.1"W from
'size' : 4000.0 # | 4km (x & y length) (hatchspace to top of wantastiquit is 2km)
# map center: 80m elevation ; mt wantastiquit elevation : 423m
output_stl_file = 'hatchspace_4km_355m.stl' # renamed after setting sizes
nu = 512 # number of points in each direction in the uniform grid
# data source
# USGS NED 43N 73W (at top left) 1/3 arcsec latitude & longitude resolution, 1m elevation resolution
# April 2019 :
filename = 'USGS_NED_13_n43w073_IMG/USGS_NED_13_n43w073_IMG.img'
data_usgs = gdal.Open(filename).ReadAsArray()
print("data ({}) is {} x {} pixels with values (elevation in meters) {:.2f} to {:.2f}".format(
type(data_usgs), len(data_usgs[0]), len(data_usgs), data_usgs.min(), data_usgs.max()))
# Map data values are elevation in meters.
# Bounding coordinates from USGS_NED_13_n43w073_IMG_meta.txt downloaded April 16 2019.
west = -73.0005555549942
east = -71.9994444446048
north = 43.0005555548959
south = 41.9994444445064
# number data points in each direction
N_usgs = data_usgs.shape[0]
# The map data is a numpy array, data[row][col] i.e. (y,x) i.e. (lat,lon) with 0,0 at the top left.
# So (I think) the conversions from i (index) to (lon,lat) (in x,y directions) is
i2lon = lambda column: west + column * (east - west) / (N_usgs - 1)
i2lat = lambda row: north + row * (south - north) / (N_usgs - 1)
print("USGS longitude edges, left & right : ", i2lon(0), i2lon(N_usgs - 1))
print("USGS lattitude edges, top & bottom : ", i2lat(0), i2lat(N_usgs - 1))
# To see an image of that usgs 1 degree square data, make this True and evaluate.
if True:
# Smooth & resize
output_size = 1024 # new y size in pixels
scaling = float(output_size) / len(data_usgs) # (new_size/old_size)
smoothing_width = int(1.0 / scaling)
scipy.ndimage.gaussian_filter(data_usgs, sigma=smoothing_width)
data1024 = scipy.ndimage.zoom(data_usgs, scaling)
# And take a look.
# (Note that (x,y) in this image are (lat,long), which is *not* distance on the ground.)
# (And note that 227 is dots-per-inch for a 27" 5120 x 2880 display,
# with figsize width,height in inches ... or something.)
figure = plt.figure(dpi=227, figsize=(4, 4))
image = plt.imshow(data1024)
# Coord conversions : lon,lat <=> x,y position (in meters, relative to neighborhood)
# (I'm choosing to look at rectangular regions as defined by distances on the ground.
# This is close to but not quite the same as a rectangles defined by (lat,lon) coords,
# since (lat,lon) rectangles are physically wider on the side closest to the equator.)
r_earth = 6731000.0 # meters
deg2meters = 2 * np.pi * r_earth / 360.0 # degrees to meters
deg2rad = 2 * n.pi / 360.0 # degrees to radians
def lonlat2xy(lon, lat):
""" convert lat,lon to x,y ground coords """
y = (lat - neighborhood['lat0']) * deg2meters
x = (lon - neighborhood['lon0']) * deg2meters * np.cos(np.deg2rad(lat))
return (x, y)
def xy2lonlat(x, y):
lat = neighborhood['lat0'] + y/deg2meters
lon = neighborhood['lon0'] + x/deg2meters/np.cos(np.deg2rad(lat))
return (lon, lat)
def in_neighborhood(lon, lat):
# Do the position check using physical distances, not just (lat,lon).
(x, y) = lonlat2xy(lon, lat)
half = neighborhood['size']/2.0
return (-half <= x <= half) and (-half <= y <= half)
def from_neighborhood(lon, lat):
""" Distance from neighborhood center """
(x, y) = latlon2xy(lon, lat)
return np.sqrt(x*x + y*y)
def point2xyz(p):
""" convert (lon, lat, z) triple to (x,y,z)"""
(x,y) = lonlat2xy(p[0], p[1])
return (x, y, p[2])
# usgs lattitude & longitude arrays
lat_usgs = list(map(i2lat, range(N_usgs)))
lon_usgs = list(map(i2lon, range(N_usgs)))
# usgs lat & lon meshgrids
(longridusgs, latgridusgs) = np.meshgrid(lon_usgs, lat_usgs)
longridusgs[0:3,0:3] # increases to the right
latgridusgs[0:3,0:3] # increases up
# TODO : create a smaller subset of the usgs data near the neighborhood
# (tried with the *_may23 file, but something went wrong)
# A big list of all the (lat,lon,Z) usgs data points - slow!
# (maybe make with zip? or take a subset of points near neighborhood before these steps)
points_usgs = [(longridusgs[i,j], latgridusgs[i,j], data_usgs[i,j]) \
for i in range(N_usgs) for j in range(N_usgs)]
# Filter the usgs points to find those within the neighborhood.
points = list(filter(lambda p: in_neighborhood(p[0], p[1]), points_usgs))
print("number of points in neighborhood is {}".format(len(points)))
nsize = int(np.sqrt(len(points)))
print("which is about {} x {}".format(nsize, nsize))
# Convert (lon,lat,z) to (x,y,z)
xyz_points = list(map(point2xyz, points))
# Make a uniform grid for the neighborhood
dx = neighborhood['size']/ nu # grid spacing in meters
xu = (np.array(range(nu)) - nu/2) * dx
yu = (nu/2 - np.array(range(nu))) * dx # backwards order, to get z_grid stored top to bottom
# interpolate the data onto the uniform grid.
# a tricky way to go from [(x1,y1,z1), (x2,y2,z2),...] to [(x1,x2,..), (y1,y2,..), (z1,z2..)]
(x, y, z) = list(zip(*xyz_points))
# Interpolate the data onto the uniform grid
zu_grid_masked = griddata(x,y,z, xu,yu, interp='linear')
# make 2d meshes for the x,y coords
xu_grid, yu_grid = np.meshgrid(xu, yu)
# adjust height scale and fill in missing values
# range of heights
(zmin, zmax) = (np.min(zu_grid_masked), np.max(zu_grid_masked))
wood_size = 12 # size in inches of final product ... irrelevant since I'll rescale it later.
height_inches = wood_size * (zmax - zmin) / neighborhood['size']
print('If wood width is {}" then vertical height at 1:1 scale is {:4.2f}."'.format(wood_size, height_inches ))
# meshgrid returns a "masked" object with missing values.
# This replaces them with the lowest.
zu_grid = zu_grid_masked.filled(zmin)
# Here's what we have before smoothing.
figure = plt.figure(dpi=227, figsize=(3,3))
image = plt.imshow(zu_grid)
# Apply Gaussian smoothing
smoothing_distance = (0.25*nu)/nsize # pixels ; size of this grid / approx spacing of data
print("using {} pixel smoothing ".format(smoothing_distance))
zu_grid = scipy.ndimage.gaussian_filter(zu_grid, sigma=smoothing_distance)
#optionally - adjust image size here
#data512 = scipy.ndimage.zoom(data, scaling)
# ... and look at what we have again.
figure2 = plt.figure(dpi=227, figsize=(3,3))
image2 = plt.imshow(zu_grid)
# create the stl file
verticalscaling = (height_inches/(zmax-zmin))/(wood_size/nu)
stl_tools.numpy2stl(zu_grid, output_stl_file, solid=False, ascii=False,
scale=verticalscaling, max_width=wood_size, max_depth=wood_size)
print("elevation max-min = ", zmax-zmin, " in meters ")
# height / size
vertical_to_horizontal = (zmax - zmin)/neighborhood['size']
print("ratio of height to horizontal size is ", vertical_to_horizontal)
print("Therefore with a horizontal size of ", wood_size , " the vertical size should be ", wood_size * vertical_to_horizontal)
I can check the stl dimensions in blender; see .
In the blendere python console, after importing it :
> h =['Hatchspace']
> p = [v[:] for v in h.bound_box]
> for i in p:
... print(i)
which gives
(-6.011741638183594, -6.011741638183594, 0.0)
(-6.011741638183594, -6.011741638183594, 1.0659310817718506)
(-6.011741638183594, 5.988258361816406, 1.0659310817718506)
(-6.011741638183594, 5.988258361816406, 0.0)
(5.988258361816406, -6.011741638183594, 0.0)
... which looks fine.