An introduction to a few big ideas in information theory including
Jim Mahoney | Dec 2019
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from numpy import *
from huffman import *
He defined "information entropy" as
$$ S = \sum_i p_i \log 1/p_i $$in units are "bits of information per bit".
What the heck is all that? Well, I'm glad you asked.
Suppose I send you a sequence of symbols, and you try to guess the next one in the sequence.
Here are some examples.
Shannon's idea was that the easier it is to guess the symbol, then the less information that symbol conveys.
In other words, how surprised you are by a symbol is how much information it has.
(Why are we talking about probability all of a sudden?)
Suppose the sequence is made up of pairs of bits, (0,0) or (1, 1) each with 50/50 chance?
(Would you ever want to send a sequence like this?)
Entropy explains why systems move towards an equilibrium, from less likely to more likely
BEFORE : less likely (as we'll see in a minute)
AFTER : more likely
If the stuff on the left stays on the left, and the stuff on the right stays on the right, then ...
If all the configurations of circles are equally likely, then they are more likely to be spread evenly between the two sides.
But if we want to think of $\Omega$ as a physical property, we have a problem.
We never find a combined total amount by multiplying amounts for each piece.
So ... use a logarhythm to turn multiplication into addition. 🤨
Entropy is not $\Omega$ but $ \log(\Omega) $ .
The guy who invented the statistical version of entropy is Ludwif Boltzmann, who even wanted the definition carved on his tombstone.
$$ S = k_B \ln \Omega $$Let's look a little closer at this log stuff.
So ...
For each of those conceptual marbles, we turn the physics notion of "which state is this in" into the information theory idea of "which symbol are we getting now".
So we turn the number of states into a probability.
Consider $\Omega = 4$ for the picture with one of those balls in one of four states.
The probability of finding it in a one of those four is $ p = 1/4$ .
$$ \log \Omega = \log \frac{1}{p} $$... which is almost Shannon's information entropy formula.
The last step in connecting physics entropy to information entropy is to see that the physics entropy is defined for the whole system, while Shannon's information entropy is defined per symbol in the sequence.
So if we have many symbols $i$ with different probabilities $p_i$, each with an entropy $\log 1/p_i$, the last step is to just average them to get
Yes, for any $f(x)$, the average of f(x) is $\sum p(x) f(x)$.
To see this, lets take the average of these numbers.
$$ (1, 1, 1, 5, 5, 10) $$The average is often written as
$$ \frac{ 1 + 1 + 1 + 5 + 5 + 10 }{6} $$But that can also be written in terms of how many of each we have
$$ \frac{3 * 1 + 2 * 5 + 1 * 10}{6} = \frac{3}{6} * 1 + \frac{2}{6} * 5 + \frac{1}{6} * 10 $$Or in other words,
$$ \text{average}(x) = \sum p(x) * x $$where $p(x)$ is the probability of x.
For binary data of 0's and 1's, if each bit arriving doesn't depend on the previous ones, then our model of the data is just the probability of each. If we let $P_0$ = (probability of 0), then
$$ P_0 + P_1 = 1 $$Our formula for information entropy is then just
$$ S = P_0 * \log2 \frac{1}{P_0} + P_1 * \log2 \frac{1}{P_1} $$or
$$ S = P_0 * \log2 \frac{1}{P_0} + (1 - P_0) * \log2 \frac{1}{ 1 - P_0 } $$And this is something we can plot.
The entropy is highest at "1 bit of information per 1 bit of data" at $P_0 = P_1 = 0.5$ . Anything else has less information per bit.
def s(p):
return p * log2(1/p) + (1-p)*log2(1/(1-p))
def plot_entropy():
with plt.xkcd():
p0 = linspace(0.01,0.99)
figure = plt.figure(dpi=220, figsize=(3, 2))
axis = figure.add_subplot(111)
axis.set(xlabel="$P_0$ = probability of 0", ylabel="S = info entropy", title="independent 0's and 1's")
axis.set_xlim((0, 1));
axis.set_ylim((0, 1.1))
axis.plot(p0, s(p0), color="blue")
plot_entropy() # .. and who doesn't like plots in xkcd style?
OK, time for a somewhat more realistic example.
This week I've been reading "The Wandering Inn" ( Here's the first paragraph.
The inn was dark and empty. It stood, silent,
on the grassy hilltop, the ruins of other structures
around it. Rot and age had brought low other buildings;
the weather and wildlife had reduced stone foundations
to rubble and stout wooden walls to a few rotten pieces
of timber mixed with the ground. But the inn still stood.
Can we find the information entropy of that? And what will that mean?
# Using just the probabilities of individual characters,
# without looking for longer patterns the analysis looks like this.
text = 'The inn was dark and empty. It stood, silent, ' + \
'on the grassy hilltop, the ruins of other structures ' + \
'around it. Rot and age had brought low other buildings; ' + \
'the weather and wildlife had reduced stone foundations ' + \
'to rubble and stout wooden walls to a few rotten pieces ' + \
'of timber mixed with the ground. But the inn still stood.'
count = {} # {character: count} i.e. {'T':34, ...}
for character in text:
count[character] = 1 + count.get(character, 0)
n_characters = sum(list(count.values()))
probability = {} # {character: probability} i.e. {'T': 0.04, ...}
for character in count:
probability[character] = count[character] / n_characters
entropy = 0
for p in probability.values():
entropy += p * log2(1/p) # information entropy formula !
print('entropy is ', entropy)
Turns out there's a clever way to construct such a scheme:
This scheme gives us a code which has the property that no character is the start of some other character, which means we don't need anything extra to tell characters apart.
Suppose we have four symbols (00, 01, 10, 11) with probabilities (0.6, 0.2, 0.1, 0.1).
symbol code
00 1
01 01
11 001
10 0000
generate huffman codes from probabilities
Feb 2014 original
Dec 2019 added entropy function; upgraded to python3
tested with python 3.6
Jim Mahoney | | MIT License
from heapq import heappush, heappop
from numpy import log2
def get_probabilities(symbols):
""" Return a dict of {symbol:probability} given a collection of symbols
>>> p = get_probabilities(['a', 'b', 'a', 'c'])
>>> [(x, p[x]) for x in sorted(p.keys())]
[('a', 0.5), ('b', 0.25), ('c', 0.25)]
counts = {} # {symbol:count}
for s in symbols:
counts[s] = 1 + counts.get(s, 0)
n = float(len(symbols))
return {s : counts[s]/n for s in counts.keys()}
def entropy(probabilities):
""" return independent probability model info entropy """
return sum(map(lambda p: p * log2(1/p), probabilities.values()))
class PriorityQueue:
""" A min priority queue is a data structure which can
* add values (push),
* find (peek) the smallest, and
* remove (pop) the smallest.
>>> pq = PriorityQueue([5, 3, 10, 7])
>>> (pq.pop(), pq.pop())
(3, 5)
>>> pq.push(9)
>>> (pq.pop(), pq.pop())
(7, 9)
def __init__(self, values=[], sortkey=lambda x:x):
self.sortkey = sortkey = []
for value in values:
def peek(self):
def push(self, value):
heappush(, (self.sortkey(value), value))
def pop(self):
(key, item) = heappop(
return item
def __len__(self):
return len(
def values(self):
return [keyvalue[1] for keyvalue in]
class BinaryTree:
""" A node in a binary tree """
# or equivalently the root of a binary subtree
def __init__(self, name='', data=0,
parent=None, left=None, right=None): = name if name != '' else str(data) = data
self.parent = parent
self.set_children(left, right)
def set_children(self, left, right):
self.left = left
self.right = right
for child in (left, right):
if child != None:
child.parent = self
def __lt__(self, other):
return <
def graphviz(self, labels=False):
""" return graphviz text description of tree """
# for a directed graph, use 'digraph {' and '->' instead of '--'
result = 'graph {\n'
if labels:
result += self._graphviz_labels()
result += self._graphviz_subtree(use_ids=labels)
return result + '}\n'
def _graphviz_labels(self):
""" one line for each node setting a label with name and data """
result = ' {} [label="{} ({:0.2})"];\n'.format(
for child in (self.left, self.right):
if child:
result += child._graphviz_labels()
return result
def _graphviz_subtree(self, use_ids):
""" recursively return the description of this node and those below """
result = ''
for child in (self.left, self.right):
if child:
result += ' {} -- {};\n'.format( if not use_ids else id(self), if not use_ids else id(child))
result += child._graphviz_subtree(use_ids)
return result
class Huffman(PriorityQueue):
""" A class which creates a Huffman code from
a dict of symbol names and probabilities.
>>> h = Huffman({'00': 0.6, '01': 0.2, '10': 0.1, '11': 0.1})
>>> [(s, h.huffman_code[s]) for s in sorted(h.huffman_code.keys())]
[('00', '1'), ('01', '00'), ('10', '010'), ('11', '011')]
>>> h.mean_code_length()
def __init__(self, symbol_probabilities):
self.probabilities = symbol_probabilities
self.symbols = sorted(self.probabilities.keys())
self.huffman_tree = None # root of huffman binary tree
self.huffman_code = {} # {symbol:code} dictionary
PriorityQueue.__init__(self, sortkey = lambda x:
for (symbol, probability) in self.probabilities.items():
self.push(BinaryTree(name=symbol, data=probability))
self.leaves = self.values() # save a copy of list of terminal nodes
def _build_huffman_tree(self):
""" Build the huffman tree and store it in self.huffman_tree """
# The idea is to repeatedly create a new node in the tree
# whose probability is the sum of the two smallest which
# haven't yet been combined. Here this is accomplished with
# two data structures: a PriorityQueue to keep track of which
# probabilities still need to be looked at, and which is
# the smallest, and a BinaryTree collection.
while len(self) > 1:
item1 = self.pop()
item2 = self.pop()
data = + # probability
self.huffman_tree = BinaryTree(name='*', data=data,
left=item1, right=item2)
def _build_huffman_code(self, node=None, code=''):
""" Build a dictionary of {symbol:codeword} in self.huffman_code """
if node == None:
node = self.huffman_tree
if == '*': # intermediate node ?
self._build_huffman_code(node.left, code + '0')
self._build_huffman_code(node.right, code + '1')
else: # terminal node, i.e. an original symbol
self.huffman_code[] = code
def mean_code_length(self):
return sum([self.probabilities[sym] * len(self.huffman_code[sym])
for sym in self.symbols])
def print_demo_graphviz():
""" print output suitable for graphviz (dot)
>>> print_demo_graphviz()
graph {
0 -- 1;
1 -- 3;
0 -- 2;
# To generate demo_graph.png :
# $ python demo_graphviz | dot -Tpng > demo_graph.png
nodes = [BinaryTree(name=i) for i in range(4)]
nodes[0].set_children(nodes[1], nodes[2])
nodes[1].set_children(nodes[3], None)
def print_huffman_graphviz():
""" print output suitable for graphviz (dot) for huffman tree """
# To generate huffman_graph.png :
# $ python huffman_graphviz | dot -Tpng > huffman_graph.png
h = Huffman({'00': 0.6, '01': 0.2, '10': 0.1, '11': 0.1})
def main():
import sys
if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == 'demo_graphviz':
if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == 'huffman_graphviz':
if __name__ == '__main__':
import doctest
Find the information entropy and huffman code for
the first paragraph of text of "The Wandering Inn"
(which is what I happen to be reading this week).
Running this :
$ python2 ; dot -Tpng > wander.png
(The "dot" program is a graphviz, a graph generating tool)
produces this :
" " 0.17647 111
"," 0.00929 1001111
"." 0.01238 011010
";" 0.00310 110101110
"B" 0.00310 110101111
"I" 0.00310 01101110
"R" 0.00310 01101111
"T" 0.00310 10011100
"a" 0.04644 0000
"c" 0.00929 1101000
"b" 0.01548 100100
"e" 0.08050 1100
"d" 0.05573 0111
"g" 0.01548 100101
"f" 0.01548 100110
"i" 0.04954 0100
"h" 0.04334 11011
"k" 0.00310 10011101
"m" 0.00929 1101001
"l" 0.03715 10110
"o" 0.07430 1010
"n" 0.05882 1000
"p" 0.00929 1101010
"s" 0.04954 0101
"r" 0.04644 0001
"u" 0.03715 10111
"t" 0.09598 001
"w" 0.02477 01100
"y" 0.00619 0110110
"x" 0.00310 11010110
entropy = 4.16674676297
mean code length = 4.21052631579
Jim Mahoney | | Dec 2019 | MIT License
from huffman import *
# From, chapter 1
text = 'The inn was dark and empty. It stood, silent, on the grassy hilltop, the ruins of other structures around it. Rot and age had brought low other buildings; the weather and wildlife had reduced stone foundations to rubble and stout wooden walls to a few rotten pieces of timber mixed with the ground. But the inn still stood.'
print('--- info entropy & Huffman ---')
print('probabilities & huffman codes ')
probabilities = get_probabilities(text)
h = Huffman(probabilities)
for char in probabilities:
print(' "{}" {:.5f} {}'.format(
char, probabilities[char], h.huffman_code[char]))
print('entropy = ', entropy(probabilities))
print('mean code length = ', h.mean_code_length())
open('', 'w').write(h.huffman_tree.graphviz(labels=True))
This is the start of information theory, but of course there's still lots more good stuff :