Editing ======== If you are allowed to edit a page, you can do so by clicking the "edit" link above the page content. These pages use a [markdown](https://github.com/adam-p/markdown-here/wiki/Markdown-Cheatsheet) syntax along with [html](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTML) with snips of [LaTeX](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LaTeX) for math. The rules are : * Plain text is wrapped. Blank lines indicate paragraphs. * Block quotes in which whitespace is unchanged are set by indenting each line four spaces. * Links are made with brackets and parens e.g. `[displayed text](url)` . * Heading and sub-headings are marked with either `#` or `##` or by underlining with `==` or `--` . * Bullet lists have a `*` for each a line `-` and leave a blank line before and after the list. * Horizontal lines are given by `-----` . * Code blocks with syntax highlights are created with triple back ticks, [as on github](https://help.github.com/articles/creating-and-highlighting-code-blocks/). * Inline code is indicated by single back ticks (again as on github). * Math LaTeX inline expressions are delimited with slash parens, e.g. `\( e^\pi \)` while equations on their own line should be placed between bracket parens e.g. `\[ x = \frac{1}{1+x} \]` Below are examples. You can see the markup which created this page at [markup.txt](markup.txt). Plain Text ---------- This is text on several lines which is wrapped into one paragraph. Whitespace is adjusted as needed. And here is a second paragraph. Block Quotes ------------ This is a block quote in which the whitespace is left unchanged. Each line of a block quote starts with four spaces. Links ----- Here's a link to the [Marlboro College homepage](https://www.marlboro.edu). Markdown files end in a ".md" extension which need not be given in in url. So [this](this) is a link to "this.md" in the current folder. Clicking on a link to a file that doesn't exist yet will allow you to create that file if you have the rights to edit files in that folder. As usual, urls can be absolute (i.e. http://amazon.com) or relative to the current folder (i.e. subfolder/file.html or ../parent). The ~ character is used to indicate a course's home folder, so for example ~/home would be the url of a course's home page. Pages may have attachments, which are placed in a corresponding folder. For a file "foo.md", its attachments would be put in "foo.attachments/". Bullet Lists ------------ This markup text * one * two * two and a half * three displays as * one * two * two and a half * three Leave a blank line before and after. Starting each line with 1. gives a numbered list. 1. one 1. two 1. three Code Blocks ----------- This markup ```python def increment(x): """ add one to x """ return x + 1 ``` displays as this syntax highlighted code. ```python def increment(x): """ add one to x """ return x + 1 ``` Inline code ----------- Single back ticks (not single quotes) around words within text puts that text within a small colored rectangle, as it does on github. Here's an `example(of_this)` syntax. Math LaTeX ---------- Expressions on one line such as \( e^{-i\pi} \) should be placed with within backslash parens. Equations on their own line are created with backslash brack or two dollar signs. For example \[ \sum_{n=1}^{\infty} \frac{1}{n} = \infty \] and $$ \frac{-b \pm \sqrt{b^2 - 4 a c}}{2 a} $$ folders ------- Visiting the URL of a folder (for example [this one](.)) will display its files (images, html, markdown, etc) and subfolders. The umber content pages are text files with a ".md" (markdown) extension. Their URL omits the ".md" extension, like [this](markdown). uploading files --------------- On any editable page or folder, there is a region at the bottom of the page where you can drag and drop files to upload them. Files uploaded to a page named "foo" will be put into a "foo.attachments" folder. displaying images ----------------- To insert an image in a page, use the html image tag after uploading the image as an attachment or to a nearby folder. For example questions --------- If you have questions you can ask Jim.