''' client.py A program to facilitate a game of blackjack between a client and server using sockets Nate Weeks, April 2018 ''' # Import socket module import socket # Create a socket object s = socket.socket() # Define the port on which you want to connect port = 12345 # connect to the server on local computer s.connect(('', port)) # print received data until client response is s for stand response = "h" # print hello welcome to a game of blackjack greeting = s.recv(1024) if not greeting: print "server not responsive, closing connection" s.close() while greeting != "hello, let's play a game of blackjack": s.send("uncomfirmed") greeting = s.recv(1024) s.send("confirmed") print greeting cardsDealt = s.recv(1024) while cardsDealt[:18] != "you were dealt the": s.send("uncomfirmed") cardsDealt = s.recv(1024) print cardsDealt s.send("confirmed") # loop to hit or stand based on blackjack score while response != "s": print s.recv(1024) response = raw_input() s.send(response) # print the winner of the game print s.recv(1024) s.close()