''' game.py A program to play and keep track of a game of blackjack Nate Weeks, April 2018 ''' from hand import * class Game(object): '''Object to play a game of blackjack, initializes the player_hand, computer_hand and deck of cards''' def __init__(self, clientsocket): self.deck = Deck() self.player_hand = Hand(self.deck.deal(), self.deck.deal()) self.computer_hand = Hand(self.deck.deal(), self.deck.deal()) self.clientsocket = clientsocket def getPlayerHand(self): '''returns the player_hand''' return self.player_hand def getComputerHand(self): '''returns the computer_hand''' return self.computer_hand def dealPlayer(self): '''deals the player and plays out the hand, asking to hit or stand and printing out the score and cards contained in the players hand''' self.clientsocket.send("hello, let's play a game of blackjack") response = self.clientsocket.recv(1024) while response != "confirmed": self.cliensocket.send("hello, let's play a game of blackjack") response = self.clientsocket.recv(1024) self.clientsocket.send("you were dealt the {}, your score is {}".format(self.getPlayerHand().getString(), self.getPlayerHand().score())) response = self.clientsocket.recv(1024) while response != "confirmed": self.clientsocket.send("you were dealt the {}, your score is {}".format(self.getPlayerHand().getString(), self.getPlayerHand().score())) response = self.clientsocket.recv(1024) self.hitOrStand() def hitOrStand(self): '''asks the player to hit or stand, adds a card to their hand if hit is chosen, handles for improper inputs and ends the loop if stand is chosen. ''' VALID_RESPONSE = ["h", "s"] self.clientsocket.send("would you like to hit or stand? (h or s)") response = self.clientsocket.recv(1024) while response not in VALID_RESPONSE: self.clientsocket.send("please print a valid input, (h or s)") response = self.clientsocket.recv(1024) while response == "h": new_card = self.deck.deal() self.player_hand.addCard(new_card) self.clientsocket.send("you were dealt the {}, your score is {}, would you like to hit or stand?".format(new_card, self.player_hand.score())) response = self.clientsocket.recv(1024) while response not in VALID_RESPONSE: self.clientsocket.send("please print a valid input, (h or s)") response = self.clientsocket.recv(1024) def playComputerHand(self): '''plays out the dealers hand''' while self.computer_hand.score() <= 17: self.computer_hand.addCard(self.deck.deal()) def calculateWinner(self): '''calculates the winner of a given game of blackjack, whoever gets over 21 busts, whoever has the higher score wins''' player_score = self.player_hand.score() computer_score = self.computer_hand.score() if computer_score > 21: self.clientsocket.send("computer busted, player wins") elif player_score > 21: self.clientsocket.send("player busted, computer wins") elif player_score > computer_score: self.clientsocket.send("player score {}, computer score {}, player wins".format(player_score, computer_score)) elif computer_score > player_score: self.clientsocket.send("player score {}, computer score {}, computer wins".format(player_score, computer_score)) elif player_score == computer_score: self.clientsocket.send("player score {}, computer score {}, its a push".format(player_score, computer_score)) def playGame(self, game): '''plays out a game of blackjack, single player against computer dealer''' game.dealPlayer() game.playComputerHand() game.calculateWinner() def initiateGame(clientsocket): '''initiates the game of blackjack with a clientsocket''' game = Game(clientsocket) game.playGame(game) def main(): initiateGame() if __name__=='__main__': import doctest doctest.testmod() main()