from peewee import * from import RestAPI from flask_app import app import datetime db = SqliteDatabase ('signup.db') # class Person(Model): # id = PrimaryKeyField() # name = CharField() # email = CharField() # age = IntegerField() # statement = CharField() class Post(Model): id = PrimaryKeyField() title = CharField() text = CharField() date = DateTimeField(default = class Meta: database = db def initialize_db(): db.connect() db.create_tables([Post], safe=True) initialize_db() # register our models so they are exposed via /api// api = RestAPI(app) api.register(Post) # configure the urls api.setup() # here are some calls to the data I can use later # == 'leslie') & (Person.age == 30)) # # you can use a regular for each loop, will iterate over each person in the table # for s in == 'leslie'): # send an email! # you can change values by saying # = bob # # leslie.delete_instance() # and you can delete people in the for each loop like this instead of sendng them an email. db.close()