------------------------------------------ flask extensions available via pip : (env)thirty-two:planet_express$ pip search flask flask-peewee - Peewee integration for flask Flask-Mail - Flask extension for sending email Flask-WTF - Simple integration of Flask and WTForms Flask - A microframework based on Werkzeug, Jinja2 and good intentions INSTALLED: 0.9 (latest) Flask-Admin - Simple and extensible admin interface framework for Flask Flask-Exceptional - Adds Exceptional support to Flask applications Flask-Actions - custom actions for flask to help manage your application Flask-DebugToolbar - A port of the Django debug toolbar to Flask Flask-MongoAlchemy - Add Flask support for MongoDB using MongoAlchemy. Buro - A very simple Python-powered open-source web framework inspired by Flask, but following different design decisions Flask-Cache - Adds cache support to your Flask application Flask-MustacheJS - Mustache integration in Flask, with Jinja and client-side libraries. Flask-SeaSurf - An updated CSRF extension for Flask. Flask-SQLAlchemy - Adds SQLAlchemy support to your Flask application Flask-WhooshAlchemy - Whoosh extension to Flask/SQLAlchemy mimerender - RESTful HTTP Content Negotiation for Flask, Bottle, web.py and webapp2 (Google App Engine) Flask-Lastuser - Flask extension for Lastuser flask_mixer - Flask-Mixer -- Flask sqlalchemy model object generation Flask-AutoIndex - A mod_autoindex for Flask Flask-Bcrypt - Brcrypt hashing for Flask. Flask-Script - Scripting support for Flask Flask-Sijax - An extension for the Flask microframework that adds Sijax support. Frozen-Flask - Freezes a Flask application into a set of static files. Flask-Assets - Asset management for Flask, to compress and merge CSS and Javascript files. Flask-Testing - Unit testing for Flask Flask-Markdown - Small extension to make using markdown easy Flask-And-Redis - Simple as dead support of Redis database for Flask apps. Flask-Mustache - Mustache for Flask inupypi - A PyPiServer based on the Flask Framework and supports multiple repositories. Flask-Snooze - Backend agnostic REST API provider for Flask Flask-WePay - WePay API support Flask-Holster - Rigid MVC content negotiation for Flask Flask-CouchDBKit - Flask extension that provides integration with CouchDBKit. Flask-Tools - Command line interface for managing Flask projects. Flask-Dropbox - Dropbox Python SDK support for Flask applications. flask_collect - Flask-Collect -- Collect static files in Flask application Flask-Genshi - An extension to Flask for easy Genshi templating. coaster - Coaster for Flask Flask-KVSession - Transparent server-side session support for flask Flask-Classy - Class based views for Flask Flask-Evolution - Simple migrations for Flask/SQLAlchemy projects Flask-Restless - A Flask extension for easy ReSTful API generation Flask-Celery - Celery integration for Flask Flask-Principal - Identity management for flask Flask-Creole - Creole parser filters for Flask flask-mongoengine - Flask support for MongoDB and with WTF model forms flask-geokit - Geocoding toolkit Flask-Redtask - Redqueue integration for flask Flask-MongoKit - A Flask extension simplifies to use MongoKit Flask-Augment - Python decorators implementing contracts for flask framework Flask-Split - A/B testing for your Flask application Flask-Security - Simple security for Flask apps Flask-OpenID - OpenID support for Flask Flask-Bootstrap - An extension that includes Twitter's Bootstrap in your project, without any boilerplate code. flask-heroku - Heroku environment variable configurations for Flask Flask-Versioned - Add version info to file paths. Flask-Babel - Adds i18n/l10n support to Flask applications Flask-FlatPages - Provides flat static pages to a Flask application Flask-SuperAdmin - The best admin interface framework for Flask. With scaffolding for MongoEngine, Django and SQLAlchemy. Flask-Auth - Auth extension for Flask. flask-oauthprovider - A full featured and secure OAuth provider base Flask-Github - Adds support for authorizing users with Github to Flask flask-skel - Basic Flask paster skeleton template Flask-SSLify - Force SSL on your Flask app. Flask-LazyViews - Registering url routes for Flask app and blueprints in lazy way. Flask-MySQL - Flask simple mysql client Flask-DebugToolbar-LineProfilerPanel - Panel for the Flask Debug toolbar to capture and view line- by-line profiling stats Flask-Jasmine - Execution of Jasmine JavaScript tests within Flask Flask-Themes - Provides infrastructure for theming Flask applications Flask-PyMongo - PyMongo support for Flask applications Flask-OAuth - Adds OAuth support to Flask flaskle - bottle-like utility decorators for flask Flask-CouchDB - Provides utilities for using CouchDB with Flask Flask-Login - User session management for Flask Flask-Administration - UNKNOWN Flask-Gravatar - Small extension for Flask to make using Gravatar easy Flask-Dashed - Adds a way to easily build admin apps Flask-Rauth - Adds OAuth 1.0/a, 2.0, and Ofly consumer support for Flask. Flask-OpenERP - OpenERP Connector for Flask Gluino - port of web2py libs to bottle, flask, pyramid, tornado (includes copy of modules from the web2py framework) Flask-Views - Class based views for Flask Flask-Mitten - Adds security functions to Flask applications for preventing some of the basic threats. Flask-Coffee - Fill your flask with coffee. flask-coffee2js - A small Flask extension that adds CoffeScript support to Flask. tinysmtp - Basically Flask-Mail without the Flask part flask-beans - A simple API for counting beans with Flask and Redis. simpleapi - A simple API-framework to provide an easy to use, consistent and portable client/server-architecture (for django, flask and a lot more). Flask-YAMLConfig - YAML configurator for Flask app. apy - Pythonic API development with flask Flask-MetaRoute - Extra routing capabilities for Flask Flask-Should-DSL - A flask extension for testing with should-dsl Flask-Social - Simple OAuth provider integration for Flask-Security Flask-Uploads - Flexible and efficient upload handling for Flask Flask-XML-RPC - Adds support for creating XML-RPC APIs to Flask Flask-JSONPages - Provides static pages to a Flask application based on JSON yell - User notification library with pluggable backends. Compatible with popular frameworks such as Django, Flask, Celery. Flask-HTAuth - Easy to integrate basic HTTP authentication for Flask apps Flask-Silk - Adds silk icons to your Flask application or module, or extension. Flask-GAE-Mini-Profiler - Flask integration of gae_mini_profiler flask-command - flask-command - Run you flask+gunicorn app as a command Flask-ErrorMail - Flask extension for sending administrators e-mails with stacktraces when internal server errors occur. HipPocket - A wrapper around Flask to ease the development of larger applications Flask-paginate - Simple Paginate support for Flask flask-lesscss - A small Flask extension that adds LessCSS support to Flask. Flask-ExtDirect - Adds Ext.Direct support to Flask. Flask-MongoSet - Access MongoDB from your Flask application Flask-Stache - Simple mustache templating for Flask applications Flask-oDesk - Adds oDesk API support to Flask trappist - Mount your Flask or WSGI app in your Django app. Flask-API - A Flask extension which allow to build and publish an API for a Flask application Flask-BrowserID - Flask support for BrowserID authentication Flask-fillin - A flask extension that provides utilities to test forms. Flask-HTMLBuilder - Flexible Python-only HTML generation for Flask Flask-Shelve - Shelve support for Flask Flask-WeasyPrint - Make PDF in your Flask app with WeasyPrint. Flask-Zen - Flask-Script commands to integrate with PyZen. Flask-Redis - Adds Redis support to Flask flask-csrf - A small Flask extension for adding CSRF protection. flask_locust - SQL-Migrations for your Application Flask-Misaka - A pleasant interface between the Flask web framework and the Misaka Markdown parser. Flask-APIForm - A simple form validator for REST APIs in Flask Flask-MongoRest - Flask restful API framework for MongoDB/MongoEngine Flask-Breve - Breve templating with Flask flask-project-templates - Paster templates for creating Flask projects Flask-MimeRender - RESTful resource variant rendering using MIME Media-Types, for the Flask Micro Web Framework Flask-RESTful - Simple framework for creating REST APIs flask-itemshop - Simple flask blueprint (ItemBP) that you can mount in your app to get a basic purchase flow for a single item. Credit card processing is done with stripe.js and the stripe python API. Flask-Cake - Flask extension to execute Cake on filesystem events. Flask-Scss - Adds support for scss files to Flask applications flask_util_js - flask's util in javascript. such as url_for etc. Flask-S3 - Seamlessly serve the static files of your Flask app from Amazon S3 Flask-REST - A simple REST toolkit for Flask Flask-RQ - RQ (Redis Queue) integration for Flask applications flask-yamli18n - Use yaml files as translation files in flask Flask-Compass - Adds automatic Compass compilation to Flask Flask-Mako - Mako templating support for Flask applications. Flask-Psycopg2 - postgresql adapter for Flask RESTfulEf - A generic restful api generator based on elixir and flask Flask-Gears - Gears for Flask Flask-Static - Generates a static website from a Flask application Flask-Pushrod - An API microframework based on the idea of that the UI is just yet another API endpoint Flask-Door - Identity management for flask Flask-FAS - Adds Fedora Account System support to Flask Flask-Sendmail - Flask extension for sendmail flask-gemoji - Add gemojis to your Flask apps Flask-Tweepy - Tweet easily from Flask applications Flask-GoogleFed - Google Federated Logins for Flask. goblet - Git web interface using libgit2 and flask Flask-mongobit - MongoBit support in Flask flask-stylus2css - A small Flask extension that adds Stylus support to Flask. Flask-Graphiti - Flask extension for Graphiti Flask-Beaker - Beaker session interface for Flask. Flask-Enterprise - Enterprise capabilities for Flask assentio - A minimal, lightweight flask-based blog flask-urls - A collection of URL-related functions for Flask applications. Flask-DBConfig - Configure Flask applications from a local DB Flask-Negotiate - Content negotiation utility for Flask apps Flask-GoogleAuth - Super simple OpenID and Google Federated Auth for Flask apps. Flask-Downloader - Allow a Flask web app to download files on behalf of the user. mead - [Work In Progress] Flask-based CMS Influenced by WordPress Flask-OldSessions - Provides a session class that works like the one in Flask before 0.10. flask-xuacompatible - Sets X-UA-Compatible HTTP header in your Flask application. Flask-MongoObject - Access MongoDB from your Flask application plush_web - Micro framework inspirated by Sinatra, Express and Flask. Flask-Sass - A small Flask extension that makes it easy to use Sass with your Flask application. Flask-ReqArg - A Flask extension that maps request arguments into function arguments. Lapin - A flask-based web framework Flask-NoExtRef - Support for hiding external URL Flask-Heroku-Runner - Minimalist Heroku bootstrap for Flask flask-rst - Create a static website from simple reStructuredText files Flask-Attest - Test Flask applications with Attest Flask-BasicAuth - HTTP basic access authentication for Flask. Flask-MakoTemplates - All future development will be done under the name Flask-Mako at Flask-Bundle - Class based tool that behaves like blueprints Flask-Failsafe - A failsafe for the Flask reloader vuuvv - A web framework using flask, like ror. Flask-Cache-PyLibMC - PyLibMC cache for Flask-Cache, supports multiple operations and other awesome things. flask-jade2underscore - A small Flask extension adds suppot to Jade2Underscore templates compiler (used in Backbone) to Flask. Flask-Raptor - Raptor support for Flask flask-resources - Flask-StatsD - Access to statsd in your app. Flask-gzip - Compress responses in your Flask app with gzip. django-kungfu - A Flasky approach to distributed Django configuration Flask-RSTPages - Adds support for reStructuredText to a Flask application flask-samurai - Easily create Heroku addons in Flask. logy - A flask based web application for central logging Flask-Environments - Environment tools and configuration for Flask applications rest-api-blueprint - Pedagogical blueprint of a REST API in Flask. Marcos - ERP framework on the top of Flask CAUTION!.: do not install this package this is a test Flask-Storages - Flask-Locale - i18n and l10n support for Flask Flask-Resource - Build resource-oriented Web apps with Flask. Flask-FluidDB - Fluiddb access for flask Flask-Foundation - An extension that includes the Foundation css framework in your project, without any boilerplate code. flaskup - A simple Flask application to share files. Flask-ToyBox - Create somehow-RESTful HTTP APIs with Flask Flask-ZODB - Use the ZODB with Flask skaffold - Flask/SQLAlchemy Admin Scaffold