import numpy as np
import random
import math
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def intensitymaker(phases):
#given an array of phases, returns electrical intensity
summedphase = 0
for i in range(500):
for k in range(500):
sumone = math.cos(phases[i] - phases[k]) #maybe should not be cosine?
summedphase = sumone +summedphase
constants = 1 #needs calculation. set as one
intensity = constants * summedphase
def timestep(x_pos,y_pos,z_pos):
#returns x y and z positions after a time step
sd = 1 #fake standard deviation for now
for i in range(len(x_pos)):
x_pos[i] = x_pos[i] + np.random.normal(0,sd) #need to calculate standard deviation here
y_pos[i] = y_pos[i] + np.random.normal(0,sd)
z_pos[i] = z_pos[i] + np.random.normal(0,sd)
def phasemaker(x_pos,y_pos,z_pos):
#given positions of particles relative to their starting ppositions returns phases
#hold on, I do not think I need z_pos? Because phase is dot product of vector K and r, and the z component ok K is 0
#so K is K = kx + ky, where k is lambda/2pi. K dot r is kx*x +ky*y +0*z
k = 1 #set as one for now
phase = []
for i in range(len(x_pos)):
phase_one = x_pos[i] + y_pos[i]
x_position = np.zeros(1000)
y_position = x_position
z_position = x_position
intensity_time = np.array([])
time = np.array([])
for i in range(500):
time = np.append(time, int(i))
anything = phasemaker(x_position, y_position, z_position)
value = intensitymaker(anything)
intensity_time = np.append(intensity_time, value)
x_position, y_position, z_position = timestep( x_position, y_position, z_position)
intensity_time[0] = 0
#x = np.correlate(intensity_time, intensity_time)
plt.plot(time, intensity_time)