generate huffman codes from probabilities
Feb 2014 original
Dec 2019 added entropy function; upgraded to python3
tested with python 3.6
Jim Mahoney | cs.marlboro.college | MIT License
from heapq import heappush, heappop
from numpy import log2
def get_probabilities(symbols):
""" Return a dict of {symbol:probability} given a collection of symbols
>>> p = get_probabilities(['a', 'b', 'a', 'c'])
>>> [(x, p[x]) for x in sorted(p.keys())]
[('a', 0.5), ('b', 0.25), ('c', 0.25)]
counts = {} # {symbol:count}
for s in symbols:
counts[s] = 1 + counts.get(s, 0)
n = float(len(symbols))
return {s : counts[s]/n for s in counts.keys()}
def entropy(probabilities):
""" return independent probability model info entropy """
return sum(map(lambda p: p * log2(1/p), probabilities.values()))
class PriorityQueue:
""" A min priority queue is a data structure which can
* add values (push),
* find (peek) the smallest, and
* remove (pop) the smallest.
>>> pq = PriorityQueue([5, 3, 10, 7])
>>> (pq.pop(), pq.pop())
(3, 5)
>>> pq.push(9)
>>> (pq.pop(), pq.pop())
(7, 9)
def __init__(self, values=[], sortkey=lambda x:x):
self.sortkey = sortkey
self.data = []
for value in values:
def peek(self):
return self.data[0][1]
def push(self, value):
heappush(self.data, (self.sortkey(value), value))
def pop(self):
(key, item) = heappop(self.data)
return item
def __len__(self):
return len(self.data)
def values(self):
return [keyvalue[1] for keyvalue in self.data]
class BinaryTree:
""" A node in a binary tree """
# or equivalently the root of a binary subtree
def __init__(self, name='', data=0,
parent=None, left=None, right=None):
self.name = name if name != '' else str(data)
self.data = data
self.parent = parent
self.set_children(left, right)
def set_children(self, left, right):
self.left = left
self.right = right
for child in (left, right):
if child != None:
child.parent = self
def __lt__(self, other):
return self.data < other.data
def graphviz(self, labels=False):
""" return graphviz text description of tree """
# for a directed graph, use 'digraph {' and '->' instead of '--'
result = 'graph {\n'
if labels:
result += self._graphviz_labels()
result += self._graphviz_subtree(use_ids=labels)
return result + '}\n'
def _graphviz_labels(self):
""" one line for each node setting a label with name and data """
result = ' {} [label="{} ({:0.2})"];\n'.format(
id(self), self.name, self.data)
for child in (self.left, self.right):
if child:
result += child._graphviz_labels()
return result
def _graphviz_subtree(self, use_ids):
""" recursively return the description of this node and those below """
result = ''
for child in (self.left, self.right):
if child:
result += ' {} -- {};\n'.format(
self.name if not use_ids else id(self),
child.name if not use_ids else id(child))
result += child._graphviz_subtree(use_ids)
return result
class Huffman(PriorityQueue):
""" A class which creates a Huffman code from
a dict of symbol names and probabilities.
>>> h = Huffman({'00': 0.6, '01': 0.2, '10': 0.1, '11': 0.1})
>>> [(s, h.huffman_code[s]) for s in sorted(h.huffman_code.keys())]
[('00', '1'), ('01', '00'), ('10', '010'), ('11', '011')]
>>> h.mean_code_length()
def __init__(self, symbol_probabilities):
self.probabilities = symbol_probabilities
self.symbols = sorted(self.probabilities.keys())
self.huffman_tree = None # root of huffman binary tree
self.huffman_code = {} # {symbol:code} dictionary
PriorityQueue.__init__(self, sortkey = lambda x: x.data)
for (symbol, probability) in self.probabilities.items():
self.push(BinaryTree(name=symbol, data=probability))
self.leaves = self.values() # save a copy of list of terminal nodes
def _build_huffman_tree(self):
""" Build the huffman tree and store it in self.huffman_tree """
# The idea is to repeatedly create a new node in the tree
# whose probability is the sum of the two smallest which
# haven't yet been combined. Here this is accomplished with
# two data structures: a PriorityQueue to keep track of which
# probabilities still need to be looked at, and which is
# the smallest, and a BinaryTree collection.
while len(self) > 1:
item1 = self.pop()
item2 = self.pop()
data = item1.data + item2.data # probability
self.huffman_tree = BinaryTree(name='*', data=data,
left=item1, right=item2)
def _build_huffman_code(self, node=None, code=''):
""" Build a dictionary of {symbol:codeword} in self.huffman_code """
if node == None:
node = self.huffman_tree
if node.name == '*': # intermediate node ?
self._build_huffman_code(node.left, code + '0')
self._build_huffman_code(node.right, code + '1')
else: # terminal node, i.e. an original symbol
self.huffman_code[node.name] = code
def mean_code_length(self):
return sum([self.probabilities[sym] * len(self.huffman_code[sym])
for sym in self.symbols])
def print_demo_graphviz():
""" print output suitable for graphviz (dot)
>>> print_demo_graphviz()
graph {
0 -- 1;
1 -- 3;
0 -- 2;
# To generate demo_graph.png :
# $ python huffman.py demo_graphviz | dot -Tpng > demo_graph.png
nodes = [BinaryTree(name=i) for i in range(4)]
nodes[0].set_children(nodes[1], nodes[2])
nodes[1].set_children(nodes[3], None)
def print_huffman_graphviz():
""" print output suitable for graphviz (dot) for huffman tree """
# To generate huffman_graph.png :
# $ python huffman.py huffman_graphviz | dot -Tpng > huffman_graph.png
h = Huffman({'00': 0.6, '01': 0.2, '10': 0.1, '11': 0.1})
def main():
import sys
if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == 'demo_graphviz':
if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == 'huffman_graphviz':
if __name__ == '__main__':
import doctest