#!/usr/bin/env python # borrowing liberally from Eikeon's setup.py for rdflib # an attempt at a setup.py installer for Cwm/SWAP # version: $Id: setup.py,v 1.13 2004/11/10 00:50:21 syosi Exp $ # by Dan Brickley # # STATUS: this file now works # much of what danbri typed I honestly do not know what it is trying to do. I suspect the answer is # ``not much'' # # DO NOT run this file directly! Use make dist_tarball instead. # # notes: # http://esw.w3.org/t/view/ESW/CwmTips from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib from os import rename from os.path import join, exists from time import time lib_dir = get_python_lib() swap_dir = join(lib_dir, "swap") print "swap dir: "+swap_dir #if exists(swap_dir): # backup = "%s-%s" % (swap_dir, int(time())) # print "Renaming previously installed swap to: \n %s" % backup # rename(swap_dir, backup) # Install SWAP from distutils.core import setup #from swap import __version__ __version__='1.0.0' setup( name = 'cwm', version = __version__, description = "Semantic Web Area for Play", author = "TimBL, Dan Connolly and contributors", author_email = "timbl@w3.org", maintainer = "Tim Berners-Lee", maintainer_email = "timbl@w3.org", url = "http://www.w3.org/2000/10/swap/", package_dir = {'swap': 'swap'}, packages = ['swap'], py_modules = ['cwm', 'delta', 'cant'], scripts = ['cwm.py', 'delta.py', 'cant.py'], ) # todo, figure out which other modules are in public APIs # --danbri #,'swap.cwm','swap.RDFSink','swap.llyn'], # 'swap.RDFSink', # 'swap.llyn'], # packages = ['swap.cwm', # 'swap.RDFSink', # 'swap.llyn'], # package_dir = {'': 'swap'},