#!/usr/bin/python """ $Id: cwm.py,v 1.164 2004/10/28 17:41:59 timbl Exp $ Closed World Machine (also, in Wales, a valley - topologiclly a partially closed world perhaps?) This is an application which knows a certian amount of stuff and can manipulate it. It uses llyn, a (forward chaining) query engine, not an (backward chaining) inference engine: that is, it will apply all rules it can but won't figure out which ones to apply to prove something. License ------- Cwm: http://www.w3.org/2000/10/swap/doc/cwm.html Copyright (c) 2000-2004 World Wide Web Consortium, (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics, Keio University). All Rights Reserved. This work is distributed under the W3C Software License [1] in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. [1] http://www.w3.org/Consortium/Legal/2002/copyright-software-20021231 """ #the following lines should be removed. They will NOT work with any distribution #----------------- from os import chdir, getcwd from sys import path qqq = getcwd() chdir(path[0]) chdir('..') path.append(getcwd()) chdir(qqq) #import swap #print dir(swap) #----------------- #end lines should be removed import string from swap import diag from swap.why import FormulaReason from swap.diag import verbosity, setVerbosity, progress, tracking, setTracking from swap.uripath import join from swap.webAccess import urlopenForRDF, load # http://www.w3.org/2000/10/swap/ # import re # import StringIO from swap import notation3 # N3 parsers and generators from swap import toXML # RDF generator from swap.why import BecauseOfCommandLine from swap.query import think, applyRules, applyQueries, testIncludes from swap.update import patch from swap import uripath import sys # from swap.llyn import RDFStore # A store with query functiuonality from swap import llyn from swap import RDFSink cvsRevision = "$Revision: 1.164 $" ################################################# Command line # Reoved from help: # --reify Replace the statements in the store with statements describing them. # --flat Reify only nested subexpressions (not top level) so that no {} remain. def doCommand(): """Command line RDF/N3 tool [--with ] options: --pipe Don't store, just pipe out * steps, in order left to right: --rdf Input & Output ** in RDF/XML insead of n3 from now on --n3 Input & Output in N3 from now on. (Default) --rdf=flags Input & Output ** in RDF and set given RDF flags --n3=flags Input & Output in N3 and set N3 flags --ntriples Input & Output in NTriples (equiv --n3=uspartane -bySubject -quiet) --language=x Input & Output in "x" (rdf, n3, etc) --rdf same as: --language=rdf --languageOptions=y --n3=sp same as: --language=n3 --languageOptions=sp --ugly Store input and regurgitate, data only, fastest * --bySubject Store input and regurgitate in subject order * --no No output * (default is to store and pretty print with anonymous nodes) * --base= Set the base URI. Input or output is done as though theis were the document URI. --closure=flags Control automatic lookup of identifiers (see below) Load document. URI may be relative to current directory. --apply=foo Read rules from foo, apply to store, adding conclusions to store --patch=foo Read patches from foo, applying insertions and deletions to store --filter=foo Read rules from foo, apply to store, REPLACING store with conclusions --rules Apply rules in store to store, adding conclusions to store --think as -rules but continue until no more rule matches (or forever!) --engine=otter use otter (in your $PATH) instead of llyn for linking, etc --why Replace the store with an explanation of its contents --mode=flags Set modus operandi for inference (see below) --reify Replace the statements in the store with statements describing them. --dereify Undo the effects of --reify --flatten Reify only nested subexpressions (not top level) so that no {} remain. --unflatten Undo the effects of --flatten --think=foo as -apply=foo but continue until no more rule matches (or forever!) --purge Remove from store any triple involving anything in class log:Chaff --data Remove all except plain RDF triples (formulae, forAll, etc) --strings Dump :s to stdout ordered by :k whereever { :k log:outputString :s } --crypto Enable processing of crypto builtin functions. Requires python crypto. --help print this message --revision print CVS revision numbers of major modules --chatty=50 Verbose debugging output of questionable use, range 0-99 finally: --with Pass any further arguments to the N3 store as os:argv values * mutually exclusive ** doesn't work for complex cases :-/ Examples: cwm --rdf foo.rdf --n3 --pipe Convert from rdf/xml to rdf/n3 cwm foo.n3 bar.n3 --think Combine data and find all deductions cwm foo.n3 --flat --n3=spart Mode flags affect inference extedning to the web: r Needed to enable any remote stuff. a When reading schema, also load rules pointed to by schema (requires r, s) E Errors loading schemas of definitive documents are ignored m Schemas and definitive documents laoded are merged into the meta knowledge (otherwise they are consulted independently) s Read the schema for any predicate in a query. u Generate unique ids using a run-specific Closure flags are set to cause the working formula to be automatically exapnded to the closure under the operation of looking up: s the subject of a statement added p the predicate of a statement added o the object of a statement added t the object of an rdf:type statement added i any owl:imports documents r any doc:rules documents E errors are ignored --- This is independant of --mode=E e Smush together any nodes which are = (owl:sameAs) See http://www.w3.org/2000/10/swap/doc/cwm for more documentation. Setting the environment variable CWM_RDFLIB to 1 maked Cwm use rdflib to parse rdf/xml files. Note that this requires rdflib. """ import time import sys from swap import myStore # These would just be attributes if this were an object global _store global workingContext option_need_rdf_sometime = 0 # If we don't need it, don't import it # (to save errors where parsers don't exist) option_pipe = 0 # Don't store, just pipe though option_inputs = [] option_reify = 0 # Flag: reify on output (process?) option_flat = 0 # Flag: reify on output (process?) option_crypto = 0 # Flag: make cryptographic algorithms available setTracking(0) option_outURI = None option_outputStyle = "-best" _gotInput = 0 # Do we not need to take input from stdin? option_meta = 0 option_flags = { "rdf":"", "n3":"", "think":"" } # Random flags affecting parsing/output option_quiet = 0 option_with = None # Command line arguments made available to N3 processing option_engine = "llyn" _step = 0 # Step number used for metadata _genid = 0 hostname = "localhost" # @@@@@@@@@@@ Get real one # The base URI for this process - the Web equiv of cwd _baseURI = uripath.base() option_format = "n3" # set the default format option_first_format = None _outURI = _baseURI option_baseURI = _baseURI # To start with - then tracks running base # First pass on command line - - - - - - - P A S S 1 for argnum in range(1,len(sys.argv)): # Command line options after script name arg = sys.argv[argnum] if arg.startswith("--"): arg = arg[1:] # Chop posix-style double dash to one # _equals = string.find(arg, "=") _lhs = "" _rhs = "" try: [_lhs,_rhs]=arg.split('=',1) try: _uri = join(option_baseURI, _rhs) except ValueError: _uri = _rhs except ValueError: pass if arg == "-ugly": option_outputStyle = arg elif _lhs == "-base": option_baseURI = _uri elif arg == "-rdf": option_format = "rdf" if option_first_format == None: option_first_format = option_format option_need_rdf_sometime = 1 elif _lhs == "-rdf": option_format = "rdf" if option_first_format == None: option_first_format = option_format option_flags["rdf"] = _rhs option_need_rdf_sometime = 1 elif arg == "-n3": option_format = "n3" if option_first_format == None: option_first_format = option_format elif _lhs == "-n3": option_format = "n3" if option_first_format == None: option_first_format = option_format option_flags["n3"] = _rhs elif _lhs == "-mode": option_flags["think"] = _rhs elif _lhs == "-closure": pass #elif _lhs == "-solve": # sys.argv[argnum+1:argnum+1] = ['-think', '-filter=' + _rhs] elif _lhs == "-language": option_format = _rhs if option_first_format == None: option_first_format = option_format elif _lhs == "-languageOptions": option_flags[option_format] = _rhs elif arg == "-quiet": option_quiet = 1 elif arg == "-pipe": option_pipe = 1 elif arg == "-crypto": option_crypto = 1 elif arg == "-why": diag.tracking=1 diag.setTracking(1) elif arg == "-track": diag.tracking=1 diag.setTracking(1) elif arg == "-bySubject": option_outputStyle = arg elif arg == "-no": option_outputStyle = "-no" elif arg == "-strings": option_outputStyle = "-no" elif arg == "-triples" or arg == "-ntriples": option_format = "n3" option_flags["n3"] = "uspartane" option_outputStyle = "-bySubject" option_quiet = 1 elif _lhs == "-outURI": option_outURI = _uri elif _lhs == "-chatty": setVerbosity(int(_rhs)) elif arg[:7] == "-apply=": pass elif arg[:7] == "-patch=": pass elif arg == "-reify": option_reify = 1 elif arg == "-flat": option_flat = 1 elif arg == "-help": print doCommand.__doc__ print notation3.ToN3.flagDocumentation print toXML.ToRDF.flagDocumentation try: from swap import sax2rdf # RDF1.0 syntax parser to N3 RDF stream print sax2rdf.RDFXMLParser.flagDocumentation except: pass return elif arg == "-revision": progress( "cwm=",cvsRevision, "llyn=", llyn.cvsRevision) return elif arg == "-with": option_with = sys.argv[argnum+1:] # The rest of the args are passed to n3 break elif arg[0] == "-": pass # Other option else : option_inputs.append(join(option_baseURI, arg)) _gotInput = _gotInput + 1 # input filename # Between passes, prepare for processing setVerbosity(0) # Base defauts if option_baseURI == _baseURI: # Base not specified explicitly - special case if _outURI == _baseURI: # Output name not specified either if _gotInput == 1: # But input file *is*, _outURI = option_inputs[0] # Just output to same URI option_baseURI = _outURI # using that as base. # Fix the output sink if option_format == "rdf": _outSink = toXML.ToRDF(sys.stdout, _outURI, base=option_baseURI, flags=option_flags["rdf"]) elif option_format == "n3": _outSink = notation3.ToN3(sys.stdout.write, base=option_baseURI, quiet=option_quiet, flags=option_flags["n3"]) elif option_format == "trace": _outSink = RDFSink.TracingRDFSink(_outURI, base=option_baseURI, flags=option_flags.get("trace","")) if option_pipe: # this is really what a parser wants to dump to _outSink.backing = llyn.RDFStore( _outURI+"#_g", argv=option_with, crypto=option_crypto) else: # this is really what a store wants to dump to _outSink.backing = notation3.ToN3(sys.stdout.write, base=option_baseURI, quiet=option_quiet, flags=option_flags["n3"]) # hm. why does TimBL use sys.stdout.write, above? performance at the else: raise NotImplementedError version = "$Id: cwm.py,v 1.164 2004/10/28 17:41:59 timbl Exp $" if not option_quiet and option_outputStyle != "-no": _outSink.makeComment("Processed by " + version[1:-1]) # Strip $ to disarm _outSink.makeComment(" using base " + option_baseURI) #if option_reify: _outSink = notation3.Reifier(_outSink, _outURI+ "#_formula") if option_flat: _outSink = notation3.Reifier(_outSink, _outURI+ "#_formula", flat=1) becauseCwm = None if diag.tracking: becauseCwm = BecauseOfCommandLine(sys.argv[0]) # @@ add user, host, pid, date time? Privacy! if option_pipe: _store = _outSink workingContext = _outSink else: if "u" in option_flags["think"]: _store = llyn.RDFStore(argv=option_with, crypto=option_crypto) else: _store = llyn.RDFStore( _outURI+"#_g", argv=option_with, crypto=option_crypto) myStore.setStore(_store) if _gotInput: workingContext = _store.newFormula(option_inputs [0]+"#_work") else: # default input if option_first_format is None: option_first_format = option_format ContentType={ "rdf": "application/xml+rdf", "n3": "text/rdf+n3" }[option_first_format] workingContext = _store.load( # asIfFrom = join(_baseURI, ".stdin"), asIfFrom = _baseURI, contentType = ContentType, flags = option_flags[option_first_format], remember = 0, referer = "", why = becauseCwm) workingContext.reopen() workingContext.stayOpen = 1 # Never canonicalize this. Never share it. if diag.tracking: proof = FormulaReason(workingContext) # Take commands from command line: Second Pass on command line: - - - - - - - P A S S 2 option_format = "n3" # Use RDF/n3 rather than RDF/XML option_flags = { "rdf":"", "n3":"", "think": "" } option_quiet = 0 _outURI = _baseURI option_baseURI = _baseURI # To start with def filterize(): """implementation of --filter for the --filter command, so we don't have it printed twice """ global workingContext global r workingContext = workingContext.canonicalize() if tracking: r = BecauseOfCommandLine(sys.argv[0]) # @@ add user, host, pid, date time? Privacy! else: r = None filterContext = _store.load(_uri, why=r, referer="") _newContext = _store.newFormula() if diag.tracking: proof = FormulaReason(_newContext) applyRules(workingContext, filterContext, _newContext) workingContext.close() workingContext = _newContext for arg in sys.argv[1:]: # Command line options after script name if arg.startswith("--"): arg = arg[1:] # Chop posix-style double dash to one _equals = string.find(arg, "=") _lhs = "" _rhs = "" if _equals >=0: _lhs = arg[:_equals] _rhs = arg[_equals+1:] try: _uri = join(option_baseURI, _rhs) except ValueError: _uri =_rhs if arg[0] != "-": _inputURI = join(option_baseURI, arg) assert ':' in _inputURI ContentType={ "rdf": "application/xml+rdf", "n3": "text/rdf+n3" }[option_format] if not option_pipe: workingContext.reopen() load(_store, _inputURI, openFormula=workingContext, contentType =ContentType, flags=option_flags[option_format], referer="") _gotInput = 1 elif arg == "-help": pass # shouldn't happen elif arg == "-revision": pass elif _lhs == "-base": option_baseURI = _uri if verbosity() > 10: progress("Base now "+option_baseURI) elif arg == "-ugly": option_outputStyle = arg elif arg == "-crypto": pass elif arg == "-pipe": pass elif _lhs == "-outURI": option_outURI = _uri elif arg == "-rdf": option_format = "rdf" elif _lhs == "-rdf": option_format = "rdf" option_flags["rdf"] = _rhs elif _lhs == "-mode": option_flags["think"] = _rhs elif _lhs == "-closure": workingContext.setClosureMode(_rhs) elif arg == "-n3": option_format = "n3" elif _lhs == "-n3": option_format = "n3" option_flags["n3"] = _rhs elif _lhs == "-language": option_format = _rhs if option_first_format == None: option_first_format = option_format elif _lhs == "-languageOptions": option_flags[option_format] = _lhs elif arg == "-quiet" : option_quiet = 1 elif _lhs == "-chatty": setVerbosity(int(_rhs)) elif arg[:7] == "-track=": diag.tracking = int(_rhs) elif option_pipe: ############## End of pipable options print "# Command line error: %s illegal option with -pipe", arg break elif arg == "-triples" or arg == "-ntriples": option_format = "n3" option_flags["n3"] = "spartan" option_outputStyle = "-bySubject" option_quiet = 1 elif arg == "-bySubject": option_outputStyle = arg elif arg[:7] == "-apply=": workingContext = workingContext.canonicalize() filterContext = _store.load(_uri, referer="") workingContext.reopen() applyRules(workingContext, filterContext); elif arg[:7] == "-apply=": workingContext = workingContext.canonicalize() filterContext = _store.load(_uri, referer="") workingContext.reopen() applyRules(workingContext, filterContext); elif arg[:7] == "-patch=": workingContext = workingContext.canonicalize() filterContext = _store.load(_uri, referer="") workingContext.reopen() patch(workingContext, filterContext); elif _lhs == "-filter": # --solve is a combination of --think and --filter. #This would have required having the filter code copied (bad for maitnance) # so a subfunction (defined above) will be used instead filterize() elif _lhs == "-query": workingContext = workingContext.canonicalize() if tracking: r = BecauseOfCommandLine(sys.argv[0]) # @@ add user, host, pid, date time? Privacy! else: r = None filterContext = _store.load(_uri, why=r, referer="") _newContext = _store.newFormula() if diag.tracking: proof = FormulaReason(_newContext) applyQueries(workingContext, filterContext, _newContext) workingContext.close() workingContext = _newContext elif arg == "-why": workingContext.close() workingContext = workingContext.collector.explanation() elif arg == "-dump": workingContext = workingContext.canonicalize() progress("\nDump of working formula:\n" + workingContext.debugString()) elif arg == "-purge": workingContext.reopen() _store.purge(workingContext) elif arg == "-purge-rules" or arg == "-data": workingContext.reopen() _store.purgeExceptData(workingContext) elif arg == "-rules": workingContext.reopen() applyRules(workingContext, workingContext) elif arg[:7] == "-think=": filterContext = _store.load(_uri, referer="") if verbosity() > 4: progress( "Input rules to --think from " + _uri) workingContext.reopen() think(workingContext, filterContext, mode=option_flags["think"]); elif arg[:7] == "-solve=": # --solve is a combination of --think and --filter. #This would have required having the filter code copied (bad for maitnance) # so a subfunction (defined above) will be used instead think(workingContext, mode=option_flags["think"]) filterize() elif _lhs == "-engine": option_engine = _rhs elif arg == "-think": think(workingContext, mode=option_flags["think"]) elif arg == "-lxkbdump": # just for debugging raise NotImplementedError elif arg == "-lxfdump": # just for debugging raise NotImplementedError elif _lhs == "-prove": # code copied from -filter without really being understood -sdh _tmpstore = llyn.RDFStore( _outURI+"#_g", metaURI=_metaURI, argv=option_with, crypto=option_crypto) tmpContext = _tmpstore.newFormula(_uri+ "#_formula") _newURI = join(_baseURI, "_w_"+`_genid`) # Intermediate _genid = _genid + 1 _newContext = _tmpstore.newFormula(_newURI+ "#_formula") _tmpstore.loadURI(_uri) print targetkb elif arg == "-flatten": #raise NotImplementedError from swap import reify workingContext = reify.flatten(workingContext) elif arg == "-unflatten": from swap import reify workingContext = reify.unflatten(workingContext) #raise NotImplementedError elif arg == "-reify": from swap import reify workingContext = reify.reify(workingContext) elif arg == "-dereify": from swap import reify workingContext = reify.dereify(workingContext) elif arg == "-size": progress("Size: %i statements in store, %i in working formula." %(_store.size, workingContext.size())) elif arg == "-strings": # suppress output workingContext.outputStrings() option_outputStyle = "-no" elif arg == "-no": # suppress output option_outputStyle = arg elif arg[:8] == "-outURI=": pass elif arg == "-with": break else: progress( "cwm: Unknown option: " + arg) sys.exit(-1) # Squirt it out if not piped if not option_pipe: if hasattr(_outSink, "serializeKB"): raise NotImplementedError else: if verbosity()>5: progress("Begining output.") workingContext.stayOpen = 0 # End its use as an always-open knoweldge base workingContext = workingContext.close() assert workingContext.canonical != None if option_outputStyle == "-ugly": _store.dumpChronological(workingContext, _outSink) elif option_outputStyle == "-bySubject": _store.dumpBySubject(workingContext, _outSink) elif option_outputStyle == "-no": pass else: # "-best" _store.dumpNested(workingContext, _outSink) ############################################################ Main program if __name__ == '__main__': import os doCommand()