The lisp I've been using on cs is clisp, which has the asdf utiltity, but apparently not asdf-install I tried for awhile to install the various prereqs, but no success yet. ----------------------- $ clisp > *lib-directory* #P"/usr/lib/clisp/" > asdf:*central-registry* ((MERGE-PATHNAMES ".clc/systems/" (USER-HOMEDIR-PATHNAME)) *DEFAULT-PATHNAME-DEFAULTS* #P"/usr/share/common-lisp/systems/") ----------------------- $ cd libs $ wget $ tar zxf drakma.tar.gz $ wget $ tar zxf cl+ssl-2007-07-07.tar.gz $ wget $ clisp ;; Loading file libs/asdf-install/asdf-install/load-asdf-install.lisp ... ;;; ASDF-INSTALL: Loading ASDF-INSTALL package from directory ;;; "/var/www/cs/htdocs/courses/fall2007/ai/lecture_notes/oct_1.attachments/libs/asdf-install/asdf-install/" *** - LOAD: A file with name ASDF-INSTALL-LIBRARY:defpackage.lisp does not exist > (load "libs/asdf-install/asdf-install/load-asdf-install.lisp") Failed.