""" An example of (1) python documentation strings, and (2) a test of a function within such a string. Here the function is trivial : it simply doubles its argument. The whole program is also trivial: it asks for a number, and then prints what double() does to it. The doc strings are the text within the triple quotes. They're stored within .__doc__ and will be printed if you ask for help() in an interactive python session. The tests are exactly what you would see by running an interactive python session and evaluating the function. """ def double(x): """ Return 2*x >>> double(3) 6.1 >>> double('a') 'aa' """ return 2*x def main(): number = input("What is the number? ") print "Twice " + str(number) + " is " + str(double(number)) def _test(): """ Run the tests in this file, i.e. the doc string parts with with ">>> ... " as if at a python prompt. Google 'python doctest' for the details. Usage: $ python # 1. Invoke python on a file as usual. $ # No warnings means success. $ python -v # 2. Invoke with -v (verbose) flag Trying: # to see details. double(3) Expecting: 6 ok ... """ import doctest doctest.testmod() # test a module # (By default, this module, e.g. this file.) _test() # run tests main() # run the main program