Some questions to exercise your SQL, SqlAlchemy, SqlSoup, Elixir, or other database programming chops, using the Planet Express data. -- As assigned for Tue Oct 30 -- 1. Who receieved a 1.5kg pckage? 2. What is the total weight of all his sent packages? 3. Which pilots handled that stuff? 4. Add to the database a 100.3kg package sent by Ray Bradbury to Leo Wong, the day after Leo's last got something. Of course Ray would chose the person with the most experience to handle the delivery. -- More practice -- 5. Who sent the krill to whom? 6. What planets is Amy not allowed to land on? 7. Change the weight of the heaviest package to be one kilogram lighter. 8. Make a table of the total mass sent and received by each client. 9. Update the database with a new employee, Kira Nerys, who brought 100kg of plasma rifles from Lrrr on Amazonia to Jean Luc Picard on Bajor, on Dec 1 3004. (Kira is allowed to land on both of those planets.)