$ vtm -h Usage: vtm [programfile] [switches] -h Display this help. -F Finite tape mode. -I Infinite tape mode (well, it grows anyway) (default). -S Show the state at the end of each line (default). -T Don't show the state at the end of each line. -V Shows tape, blank character, and starting state before running. -W Don't show anything before running. -Q Ignore ##echo directives. -L Enable ##echo directives. -0 Show zero lines of output per step; only show the final tape. -1 Show one line of output per step of the Turing machine (default). -2 Show two lines of output per step of the Turing machine. -tXXX... Set the value of the initial tape. -bC Set the value of the blank character. -sState Set the value of the starting tape. If the values of the tape, blank character, or starting state are not set with command-line arguments, and the program file does not specify default values, then you will be prompted for the missing values. Command-line arguments will override progam file's default settings. Example: vtm -t_111_111_ -b_ -spass_first add.vtm will execute the add.vtm with the tape set to "_111_111_", blank to "_", and the starting state to "pass_first".