Here's the recipe I used to get the LeJOS system up and running as of Feb 2006. 0) My system is Mac OS X 10.4.4 running on a Powerbook G4 15" laptop. The following shell scripts are running in the /bin/bash shell. Java and gcc are both with my PATH, and show versions $ java -version ... 1.4.2_09 $ gcc --version ... powerpc-apple-darwin8-gcc-4.0.0 20041026 1) downloaded lejos_2_1_0.tar.gz to /Users/mahoney/src 2) unpack and set up $ cd ~/src $ tar zxf lejos_2_1_0.tar.gz $ cd lejos_2_1_0 $ mkdir jims_stuff a place to put the rest $ cd jims_stuff 3) patch vmsrc/threads.c to read done_pi: ; #endif //PI_AVOIDANCE 4) create jims_stuff/lejos.env containing export LEJOS_HOME=/Users/mahoney/src/lejos_2_1_0 export PATH=$PATH:$LEJOS_HOME/bin export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=$DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH:$LEJOS_HOME/bin export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$LEJOS_HOME/lib:. export RCXTTY=usb 5) from jims_stuff $ . lejos_env $ cd .. $ make lots of warnings, but finishes $ cd jims_stuff 6) plugged in a USB tower to the left USB port on my Powerbook G4 (there's also a USB port on the right side; haven't tried it), plugged in a brick to its power adapter, turned it on, and put em about an inch apart, out of direct sunlight (saw some problems with light polution a few years back) 7) download the firmware $ lejosfirmdl (green light goes on in tower; brick beeps) ... 100% 8) finally transfer a program while the brick is still in a receptive state (after lejosfirmdl or power cycle) $ cp ../examples/hworld/ . $ lejosc (creates HelloWorld.class) $ lejos HelloWorld (green light goes on, brick counts...) $ (success!) 9) hit the "run" button on the brick and see "hELL o worL d". The "lejosdl" command gave me a "Response: -4" error; luckily, I don't need it. The discussion form talks about various difficulties with IR tower to brick connection; in particular, that they must be close together and in a low light environment.