
Graham Ritchie, University of St Andrews

This folder contains all of the submission for the project:


To use the software in Windows you must first have java and lejos installed (see below for download sites), go to the setup.bat file in the util directory and set the JAVA_HOME, LEJOS_HOME and INTELLEGO_HOME variables to the correct paths to java, lejos and intellego respectively

To compile the software, from this directory run clean.bat, to delete all previous class files, and then run build.bat to compile.

To run the system, run Intellego.bat

To generate the javadoc run makeJavadoc.bat

To generate the html of the code run makeHTMLcode.bat


To use the software in linux, make sure you have java installed correctly, then edit ./ and util/ to contain the correct paths and classpaths to the Intellego software and to lejos.

You may also wish to add the intellego home directory to your ~/.bashrc or similar PATH variable.

Then type to run the software, make to compile the software, make javadoc to compile the javadoc, or make html to build the HTML.

make zip will build a zip file if you have the Infozip "zip" program installed, and make tar will build a tar.gz file for distribution.

Note that jdk1.3 has problems in it's implementation of Swing, and you should use jdk1.4 under linux for best performance and looks.

Download jdk and lejos: