Working a bit on LeJOS Lego Java Robot stuff; Julie is playing around with them. * Installed java, javac, as well as netbeans (/usr/local/bin for binaries; /usr/local/jdk1.5.0_06 and netbeans-4.1 for sources) * downloaded LeJOS 2.1 and docs Intelligo (RX simulator, undergrad 2002 project) * trying to configure & compile the rest of it : 1. lejos $ cd lejos_2_1_0 $ make ... javac -target 1.1 -classpath classes `find classes -name '*.java'` javac: target release 1.1 conflicts with default source release 1.5 make: *** [core_classes] Error 2 # So, leaving out the target :n $ javac -classpath classes `find classes -name '*.java'` $ cd .. 2. intelligo index.html : edit and util/ appropriately. So I copied both to *.orig, and changed start both to export BASE=/var/www/cs/.../programming_workshop/lejos export INTELLEGO_HOME=$BASE/Intellego export LEJOS_HOME=$BASE/lejos_2_1_0 $ make $ make javadoc $ make html It was complaining of some permission issues, so as root : $ chmod -R go+rwx . * Hey hey ... it works ! $ ./ ... and use the menus to pick "light world" and "light seeking robot"