Our first webpage. Files: README.txt This file. The ".txt" extension means that it will display in a web browser as just text - no formatting or tricky stuff. first_webpage.html The content of the webpage, in HTML5. Google "html5 tags" for a list of the <...> thingies; for example see http://www.quackit.com/html_5/tags/ . This is the first file that the browser loads, and it refers to the other two files. first_stylesheet.css colors, fonts, layout, and other style details. first_image.jpeg my cat. Where to find more information : There is lots of information on all these formats; you just need to know what terms to google. .html : google "html5 tags", "html5 cheatsheet", "html5 tutorial" http://www.html-5-tutorial.com/ wikipeida HTML5 .css : google "css tutorial", "css3" http://www.w3.org/Style/Examples/011/firstcss.en.html wikipedia Cascading Style Sheets The most recent versions of these are "html5" and "css3", though other variations are in common use too.