/* words4.c * * Input and print a list of words, * implemented with a doubly linked list of words * (see e.g. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doubly_linked_list) * defined using struct and malloc. * * Here only the input buffer is on the stack. * The space for the word_list object, each word object, * and the word object's data (the string) are all on the heap, * with explicit functions to create and destroy all the pieces. * * A linked list like this has the advantages that it has an * arbitrary size, and that inserting an element is O(1). * However, accessing the n'th element requires following * the links and is O(n) ... albeit with fast steps. * * The interface and implementation of the word list * could be moved to separate files word_list.h and word_list.c * * $ gcc words3.c -o words3 * $ ./words3 * Input one word per line, terminated by a blank line. * 1: one * 2: two * 3: three * 4: * The list has 3 words : [one, two, three]. * * *Now* we're having fun. * * Jim Mahoney | Feb 2013 | MIT License */ #include #include #include // --- word_list.h -------------------------------------------------- #define WORD_LENGTH_LIMIT 100 typedef struct _word *word; struct _word { word next; word prev; char* data; }; typedef struct _word_list *word_list; struct _word_list { int length; word first; word last; }; word new_word(char* string); // copy string into new word & return it void free_word(word w); // free memory for word & its data word_list new_word_list(); // initially empty void free_word_list(word_list list); // free memory for list, words, & data void push(word_list list, word w); // append a word to the end of the list word pop(word_list list); // remove & return last word from list void read_next_word(word_list list); // read from stdin, push word on list void print_word_list(word_list list); // "['word1', 'word2', ...]" to stdout // --- word_list.c -------------------------------------------------- word new_word(char* string){ word w = (word) malloc(sizeof(struct _word)); w->data = (char*) malloc(sizeof(strlen(string)+1)); // +1 for trailing 0 strcpy(w->data, string); w->next = NULL; w->prev = NULL; return w; } void free_word(word w){ free(w->data); free(w); } word_list new_word_list(){ word_list list = (word_list) malloc(sizeof(struct _word_list)); list->length = 0; list->first = NULL; list->last = NULL; return list; } void free_word_list(word_list list){ word w = list->first; word next; while (w != NULL){ next = w->next; free_word(w); w = next; } free(list); } void push(word_list list, word w){ if (list->length == 0){ list->first = w; list->last = w; list->length = 1; } else { w->prev = list->last; list->last->next = w; list->last = w; list->length++; } } word pop(word_list list){ word w = list->last; if (w != NULL){ list->last = w->prev; w->prev = NULL; list->length--; } if (list->length == 0){ list->first = NULL; } else { list->last->next = NULL; } return w; } void read_next_word(word_list list){ char input_buffer[WORD_LENGTH_LIMIT]; char* status = fgets(input_buffer, WORD_LENGTH_LIMIT, stdin); int length = strlen(input_buffer); if (status == NULL || length == 0) return; // if error do nothing if (input_buffer[length - 1] == '\n'){ // remove trailing newline input_buffer[length - 1] = (char) 0; length--; } push(list, new_word(input_buffer)); } void print_word_list(word_list list){ word w = list->first; printf("["); while (w != NULL){ printf("%s", w->data); if (w->next != NULL) printf(", "); w = w->next; } printf("]"); } // --- main ---------------------------------------------------------- int main(){ word_list list = new_word_list(); printf("Input one word per line, terminated by a blank line.\n"); while (1){ printf(" %i: ", list->length + 1); read_next_word(list); if (strlen(list->last->data) == 0){ pop(list); break; } } printf("The list has %d words : ", list->length); print_word_list(list); printf(".\n"); free_word_list(list); return 0; }