An Introduction to the Internet
3 CR, Tues/Thu 11:30-12:50 in Sci 217 with Jim Mahoney. Introductory.
How does the internet work? How do I make a web page? Does
WWW really stand for World Wide Wait? This course will look
at some of the technologies behind the internet, including
HTML syntax and some JavaScript programming as well as
help you practice some basic computer skills with images,
text and files. We will also do some reading on the history
and culture of the 'net, and see what folks are doing with
it. Prerequisite: Some familiarity with computers.
Artificial Intelligence
4 CR, Tues/Fri 1:30-2:50 in Sci 217 with Jim Mahoney. Intermediate.
An examination of the methods used in problems encountered
in trying to teach computers to "think." Topics covered
will be among the following: representation of knowledge,
learning, game theory, perception, neural networks,
cellular automata, cognitive modeling, and natural language
processing. Most people who work in AI, program in Lisp,
and so we will probably learn it along the way--but that
shouldn't be the main focus of the course. This is an
intermediate course in computer science which will assume
that you already have some programming
skills. Prerequisite: Knowledge of a programming language.