
Spring 2018

I followed a game tutorial after doing some reading that served as an overview of Angular- done this with a couple of frameworks, wanted to try Angular/TS to get a feel for typed languages and I've also just heard a lot about it.

  1. I downloaded Angular from a tutorial I found online, and read most of this to get started:


  1. I followed this tutorial to start a list, again to get used to the flow of angular. And they offer pretty good explanations about the flow of components:


I created the initial application structure using the Angular CLI, and learned angular components display data. I used ng new and ng serve to generate a new project and launch the application.I generated components using ng generate component.I went through all of the steps up till number 5- it took a few hours and I've been adding to it sporadically.

  1. My overall impression of angular is, I think its great and want to continue using it! they have these things called .ts files, which are typescript files. And in these files you set a variable with properties that you can use in other places, using angulars interpolation binding syntax (which is just, the variable in double curly braces..). I learned about ngOnInit, a lifecycle hook called after creating a component...(note, ASK ABOUT LIFECYCLE HOOKS at this link


I am about halfway through the tutorial but it was informative. I do have questions about how things bind together, it was also a bit confusing that they had be constantly re-doing old code, because they are trying to show the connection and how angular provides various shortcuts to things. Would like to discuss further.

attachments [paper clip]

  last modified size
TXT goals.component.css Wed Jul 03 2024 06:23 am 853B
TXT goals.component.html Wed Jul 03 2024 06:23 am 702B
TXT goals.component.spec.ts Wed Jul 03 2024 06:23 am 621B
TXT goals.component.ts Wed Jul 03 2024 06:23 am 480B