Finite Automata simulator

all files | finite_automata docs,code | web app script,template
'. .''nvOpzp.fa | '. .'.fa | 'zeros_1mod3.fa | 1.fa | 1nvopzpand11oriko.fa | _sample.fa | and.fa | ones_even.fa | or.fa | zeros_1mod3'.fa | zeros_1mod3'nvOpzp.fa | zeros_1mod3.fa

file: '_sample.fa'

finite automata diagram from graphviz
Running finite_automata on _sample.fa .

===== _sample.fa =====
 states : [ q0, q1, r0, r1, r2, s ] 
 accept : [ q0, r0 ]
 alphabet : [ 0, 1 ] 
 start : s
 tests : 
   yes   [  ]
   no    [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
   yes   [ 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
   no    [ 1, 0, 1, 0 ]
   yes   [ 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
 transitions :
   q0      x  1             =>  q1    
   q1      x  1             =>  q1    
   r0      x  [ 0, 1 ]      =>  r0    
   r1      x  [ 0, 1 ]      =>  r2    
   r2      x  [ 0, 1 ]      =>  r0    
   s       x  ~             =>  q0    
   s       x  ~             =>  r0    
 analysis :
   It's not a strict DFA.
   Running inputs and tests :
     '' => yes (ok)
     '00000' => yes (NOT ok)
     '1111' => yes (ok)
     '1010' => yes (NOT ok)
     '111000' => yes (ok)
   Failed 2 out of 5.
   Diagram created in file '_sample.png'

Jim Mahoney ( | Feb 2008 | Creative Commons License