Computer Science @ Marlboro  

An Introduction to the Internet

Lecture Notes | Assignments | Resources | Roster | Info | Syllabus

Lecture Notes

  1. for Tues January 28
    • Read chapter 1 in the text.
    • Describe what the terms "IP address" and "domain name" mean, how they are related, and give an example.
    • Our campus connection to the 'net runs at a speed of about one megabit per second. At this rate, about how long would it take to download a 300 page novel? (Estimate the number of characters, and use the fact that each character is one byte = 8 bits.)
    • Pick any two of the research questions on page 18. For each, do on an online search to explore the topic. Describe where you looked, what sites you found, what reliability you think that source has, and why. Summarize an answer to the question.
  2. for Tues Feb 4
    • Read chapter 2 in the text, on TCP/IP.
    • Read the tutorials on our campus computer system.
    • The IP address for is As discussed in class, this is really a four digit, base 256 number. What is this number in base 10, and how do you calculate it? (Optional: what is it in base 16 and base 2?)
    • Set up your account for web publishing, as described in the lecture notes.
    • Do exercises 1 through 4 on page 44. Which text editor did you use? Choose "View source" (or whatever the command is in your browser) to see the HTML code that you typed.
  3. for Tues Feb 11
    • Read chapter 3 in the text, which starts to discuss HTML markup.
    • Do exercise 1 and at least one of (3,4,5) on page 59 in the text.
    • Do either thread A (create a home page for yourself) or thread B (create a page summarizing a research topic) on page 60 in the text.
    • As usual, send me a some email saying what you did and where I should look to find it. (I'm behind in grading, but I'll be in touch with more comments soon.)
    • Also as usual, feel free to email me with questions as you go.
  4. for Tues Feb 18
    • Read chapters 4,5,6 in the text, which go over a variety of other HTML tags, namely links <A HREF="">, images <IMG SRC="">, and a few others
    • Find in the at least two things that are the same in the HTML 3.2 and 4.0 recommendations, and at least two things that are different.
    • Create several web pages which link to each other and using a common navigation them. One way to do this would be organize your homework so far for this class. Another would be to create several pages with a common theme, perhaps as part of a paper for another class. Include at least one image, and any other tags we've discussed that strike your fance.
  5. for Tues Feb 25
    • Please read chapter 7, skim chapter 8 (which I won't be doing in any detail in class), and go back and look at styles in section 4.8. This will finish our stroll through HTML.
    • Create a web page that includes all of our new tags: tables, lists, and styles. Try at least few combinations of the WIDTH, COLSPAN, ROWSPAN, BGGROUND, and other table attributes - there are many. Make sure you see which can go in the <TABLE> tag, which can go in the <TR> tag, and which can be used in <TD>. (There is some overlap in what is used where.)
    • Optional - if you're comfortable with HTML, use an image processing application (like Photoshop) to split up an image into pieces which can fit into a table, allowing embedded text and links, as I discussed in class.
  6. for Tues March 4
    • Nothing written due this week.
    • Finish up outstanding assignments.
    • No class on March 4; VT town meeting day.
  7. for Thurs March 13 - last before spring break
    • Read chapters 9 and 10.
    • If you haven't already, create a single page with links to all your homework for this semester. Add to this page as we continue forward, so I can find everything in one place.
    • Do exercise 1 on page 185 of our text. (The form isn't supposed to do anything; just have it display properly.)
    • Do any two of the problems in section 10.16, page 212.
    • Describe how you can find JavaScript errors in your browser, that is, how you can debug your program. (This depends on which browser you're using.) If your browser doesn't display JavaScript errors, try one that does (i.e. Mozilla).
  8. for Tues April 8
    • read chapters 11 ("if" and boolean expressions) and 12 (objects),
    • do review question 9 on pg 236, and exercise 3 on page 237.
    • Write a program which prompts true/false boolean values for A and B, and then prints out the value of " A && B" and "(! A) || (!B)".  What's interesting about these two particular combinations?
    • do exercise 3 on page 255.
    • Create a web page that displays the text "this page is wide" or "this page is narrow" depending
      on how wide the web page is when it loads using "document.width".
  9. for Tues April 15
    • Read chapters 13 and 14, on forms and document objects
    • Do exercises 3, 7, and (optional) 9, on page 272
    • Do exercise 6 and (optional) 9, on page 293
  10. for Tues April 22
    • Read chapters 15 and 16, on loops and arrays
    • Write a javascript program that finds the sum of the first 1000 numbers, 1+2+3+ ... + 999 + 1000.
    • A "prime" number is one that cannot be divided by any smaller integer other than 1. Using a nested "while" loop, write a javascript program to find and display all the prime numbers up to 1000. Feel free to break this program into smaller functions if you wish. (You'll need an outer loop over the number you're testing for primality, and an inner loop to see if smaller numbers will divide it.) Remember that you can use the % operator (mod arithmetic) to see if F is a factor of N, i.e.
      if (N % F == 0){ F_is_a_factor_of_N = true; }
    • Do any two of the exercises from section 16.11, pg 338, or any other similar webpage/javascript of your choice that combines forms, arrays, and image manipulation like those presented in class on April 17.
  11. for Tues April 29
    • Read chapter 17, "More on functions" - image roll-overs etc.
    • Find a perfect number (check google for a definition) bigger than 30. (This is similar to the prime number problem.)
    • Create a window with several small button icons whose appereance changes when you put the mouse over them, and which pring up an image in a new window when you click on them.
  12. Final Project , due Friday May 9
    • A collection of linked web pages on a topic of your choice
    • Illustrate ideas from this term: images, navigation, tables, lists, style sheets, JavaScript,...
    • Include a page describing what ideas you used, and what tools you used to create the pages.


  How does the internet work? How do I make a web page? Does WWW really stand for World Wide Wait? This course will look at some of the technologies behind the internet, including HTML syntax and some JavaScript programming as well as help you practice some basic computer skills with images, text and files. We will also do some reading on the history and culture of the 'net, and see what folks are doing with it.
  • When: Tues/Thurs 11:30-12:50
  • Where: Sci 217
  • Faculty: Jim Mahoney
  • Text: Introduction to Interactive Programming on the Internet using HTML & JavaScript by Craig Knuckles
  • Credits: 3 ( i.e. 6 hours/week outside class )
  • Level: Introductory
  • Prerequisite: Some familiarity with computers.

  Tuesday     chap    
  Jan 21      1      Overview and history of the web                  | The 'net.
      28      2      What's going on underneath: TCP/IP               |
  Feb  4      3      Setting up the tools - editor, ftp, etc.
      11      4,5    HTML: text markup and anchors  (aside: XML)      | HTML
      18      6      Images and image programs                        | markup.
      25      7,8    HTML: tables and frames                          |
  Mar (4)            Multimedia - sound, movies
      11             Other protocols - peer2peer, email, chat, searching, ...
   - break -
  Apr  1      9,10   JavaScript and programming overview; user input  |
       8      11,12  objects; processing forms                        | JavaScript
      15      13,14  more on forms                                    |
      22      15,16  loops and arrays                                 |
      29      17     functions                                        |
  May (6)     18     security
The semester workload will be something like
  • weekly assignments, mostly from the text based on the readings,
  • a multi-page website with images and links, due by spring break, and
  • a Javascript project, due at the end of the semester.
Grades will be based on these three. Typically I do accept late work; however, this material builds as it goes, so you really need to keep up. Your work should be submitted to me by email, as either text, HTML, or links to your online material.

Jim Mahoney (
Last modified: Thu May 1 08:36:18 EDT 2003