Tue Nov 27
Today & Thursday : discuss the material in chapter 12 : concurrency.
I. Look at CMU slides
- 23-concprog.pdf
- 24-sync-basic.pdf <= sharing.c, badcnt.c, goodcnt.c (much slower)
- 25-sync-advanced.pdf <= producer-consumer, readers-writers (Thu?)
- 26-parallelism.pdf <= multi-core parallel processing (sum, sort examples)
... 27-future.pdf ... look at for Thu.
II. Some code on shannon:
- badcnt.c
- goodcnt.c (using mutex to fix badcnt)
- race.c
- sharing.c
III. For Thursday :
Buzzwords & concepts to understand :
- thread vs process
- semaphore , mutex
- critical section
- atomic transaction
- thread safe, thread
"classic" sync problems :
- dining philosopher's problem
- producer-consumer problem
- readers-writers problem
wikipedia :
Your mission for Thursday .... to be decided. :)