
Spring 2018

Nate's Work

Jim says

This is an improvement over last week, but you are doing only O(n^2) algorithms - not any of the O(n (log n)) ones.

Yes, you pass functions as pointers. But you also need to set up the type signature. Googling "c function pointer" gives for example https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/function-pointer-in-c/ which shows the sort of syntax needed.

I've put together a jupyter python notebook plot, turned that into an .html file so we can see it here easily, and did a screenshot.

$ jupyter notebook jim_plot.ipynb     # edit & run it in a browser
$ jupyter nbconvert jim_plot.ipynb    # create the .html file

In class I showed you demo_function_pointer.c and loop.c , and uploaded both here.

attachments [paper clip]

  last modified size
TXT bubbleSort.c Wed Jul 03 2024 05:17 am 2.8K
TXT demo_function_pointer.c Wed Jul 03 2024 05:17 am 495B
TXT insertion.c Wed Jul 03 2024 05:17 am 2.8K
TXT jim_plot.html Wed Jul 03 2024 05:17 am 332K
TXT jim_plot.ipynb Wed Jul 03 2024 05:17 am 77K
TXT jim_plot.png Wed Jul 03 2024 05:17 am 258K
TXT loop.c Wed Jul 03 2024 05:17 am 293B
TXT results.csv Wed Jul 03 2024 05:17 am 551B
TXT selection.c Wed Jul 03 2024 05:17 am 3.0K