
Spring 2018

How to access:

go to ssh jim@leslienate.tech your password is : mahoney type in cd /usr/lib/cgi-bin do “ls” put in nano nateStayawayFromthis.py

the first time last week I made a cookie using the example that can be found in “namesaver.py”. That worked fine, there was one error where, I don’t think it loads properly if there is not already a cookie set but I”m not sure why.

this week I wanted to better understand setting cookies so I tried doing everything over again, except using your example. I did this in “nateStayawayFromthis.py”

Please take a look at what I have- the cookie is being set when I use inspector tools to check it out (default cookie name is bojangles) and the html appears, but it breaks when you try to submit anything into the form and I”m not sure why. It also breaks when there is a cookie set.

I tried to look up errors (see screenshot) didin’t find anything.

I also tried looking at the access log to see if there were any hits registering, none.

not sure how to debug this without any errors pointing me to answers.

some other cool things I learned were just more VIM commands, like how to switch between panes, :split, cnrl w w, close panes is ctrl w + o, as I found myself needing to go between windows to try doing this different ways.

in the next day or so I’m going to work on connecting this to github, and then I’m going to finish this off by adding some of the styling you had in your example, pushing it up to github to get credit for it there.

attachments [paper clip]

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TXT trying_to_find_errors.png Wed Jul 03 2024 08:26 am 841K