
Spring 2019



title       Applied Discrete Math
term        Spring 2019
credits     2-4
time        MW 11:30am-12.50pm
level       Multi-level
faculty     Kaethe Minden and Matt Ollis


It was tempting to leave this part blank, but I resisted. We have a few overarching goals and we are expecting the structure to flex to help us all meet them in whatever way best serves us. Those goals include:

learning some (more) core discrete math skills,
making connections between subfields of discrete math and to other math areas and other disciplines,
working collaboratively on research or research-like projects,
practise in presenting math ideas, both to groups and in conversation,
reading some primary literature,
self-direction; students should be adding their own goals to this list.


Grading will be done via oral evlauation. One near mid-term will constitute 1/3 of the grade and one at the end will be 2/3. Exact format and scope to be discussed and decided. There's the expectation that you'll be attending and participating and solving problems and presenting and... as we go. The oral evals might discuss this and base the grade partly on performance here, even though they won't be graded directly.

We have some starting points; how the course grows from that will be a work in progress until (and while) it happens. First class on Monday, Matt will give a broad overview of what discrete math is and some of the large themes. We'll also talk about the Intransitive Dice paper (see prep page)/ Next, we'll spend a week or two each on two core topics: counting and graph theory. Look at the link "prep" on the left for more details of what you should be doing when.


This course will honor all reasonable accommodations for students with documented disabilities. If you have a disability that requires specific accommodation, please contact Catherine O’Callaghan, Assistant Dean of Academic Advising & Support, Catherine will convene the ADA committee to review documentation and determine what accommodations are warranted. Catherine will then provide a letter to faculty outlining reasonable accommodations. It is your responsibility to engage in this process; i.e., disclose your disability, provide documentation, request accommodations, and deliver the accommodations letter to your faculty.

academic integrity

Students are expected to be aware of, and abide by, the college's regulations regarding academic integrity. Talk to Matt or Kaethe if anything is unclear. /cours /spring2019 /discrete_math /syllabus
last modified Wed February 19 2025 9:50 pm