1. a web page
due Thu Jan 24
- Create a website that summarizes your internet related experience and background. Think of this as a mini resume or job portfolio, what you want others in this group to know about what you can contribute to a project, what you're interested in, and what you have done before. Include a description of the tools and methods you used, including links to their documentation - enough so that someone else could follow in your footsteps.
- You can use any hosting service you wish :
- this assignment course page (as a bare minimum)
- a blog post
- a hosted web service (e.g. nearlyfreespeech)
- a public wiki
- a github or gitlabs or similar page
- ... whatever you like.
- And you can use any technology you want :
- html, images, css, dynamically generated content, ...
- Questions? Ask.
2. html, css, js teaching - part 1 & 2
due Tue Jan 29
- For each of the two classes during this week (Tue Jan 29 & Thu Jan 31), prepare and present a short tutorial for the rest of the class on some aspect of HTML, CSS, or Javascript as used in web pages, including an example.
- I encourage you to do this within the "editable" pages that I've set up, within this course site.
- Expect the same assignment next week.
3. html, css, js teaching - part 2 & 3
due Tue Feb 12
For Thu Feb 7 and Tue Feb 12, again prepare and present a short piece for the rest of the class, giving some references to what you want to explain and an example. The topic is again the core tech of HTML, CSS, and Javascript.
And again please create a page within the www section of this course site, in your editable folder.
4. front end project
due Tue Feb 26
- design and build a front-end-only site (i.e. html, css, js; no back end dynamic generation) that has user interaction
- some ideas include
- a game
- a calculator
- a graphics-drawing thing
- put some effort into the layout and "look"
- work with someone else in a group
- besides the source files, create a short write-up describing your process, choices, and who did what.
- ... enough for someone else in the class to recreate your work.
- include a bibliography
5. back end project
due Tue Apr 2
- Implement a php + sqlite comment/blog board with user logins which can run on shannon. The details of the design, UI, and functionality are up to you.
- This is a class project - you can all work on copies of the same code.
- Please do submit individual descriptions of what you did and an explanation of your understanding of what exactly is going on.
- While the due date isn't until the Friday after spring break, do submit some progress reports between now and then.
6. wireshark
due Tue Apr 9
- Explore wireshark, and use it as a starting point for reading about packets, networks, and protocols: ARP, DNS, TCP/IP, and all that. The links I put for Thursday's class may be helpful.
- Submit a short write-up describing what you did and what tech you read about.
- Come to class Tuesday ready to share what you learned.
7. project proposal
due Tue Apr 16
- Propose at least two different final projects, with versions that you could do on your own or in collaboration.
- On Tuesday in class we'll discuss and decide what's what.
8. final project
due Fri May 3
- Submit your own write-up of the group's implementation of a music player + comment website. Be clear about what your contribution was, how you think the collaboration went, and your understanding of the tech involved.
- Do give a link to the code and deployed site.
- Present in class on Tue 30.
9. course grade
due Fri May 10
- A place for Jim to give semester feedback and a course grade.