
Spring 2019

So I decided to look at ux design portfolios to see how I could improve upon my origional design. I looked a apples website for creative use of white spaces in advertising.


read about these amazing ux design portfolio ideas to better integrate the need for disseminating some rather complicated academic information with needing to have something that is visually appealing and simple with clean lines. Its kind of hard to unify the completing interests of cramming a lot of information into someones head while making an app that they want to use that doesn’t ‘make them think’.

Ultimately I altered my xd file to have larger pictures, cleaner lines, and changed the organization of projects. Here are some random notes I took while I was doing everything that are unintelligible but I'll organize it later when I'm writing my ux design paper;

unorganized notes

Im trying to make the images the right format and to work properly vector vs pixel. I went back to illustrator and exported it to the size of the screen, cropped it to the size of the screen I wanted to show and exported it as svg. I wanted the background of the grid to be less cluttered so i put a transparency on it to if fades into white so when you actually see the projects its not too busy.

now im working on making a standardized grid for the entire document so the grid within the grid, theres like a main box that is standard throughout the website. so even the borders of this match the borders of that even though the content is different. im trying to figure out what the benefit is, xd gas a main grid option (repeat grid) which allows for standardization.

i also want to simulate ths slideshow thing, if we keep clicking next and the image changes. want the image to just keep changing because before I was clicking through different projects, now its images within the same project. i need to duplicate the page and the only thing i change is the image. so when i do the prototype view, everything else remains the same but the image changes.

I save my colors in the color palate (in assets) can save color swatches and if i draw an arrow, make symbols, label them in assets as a symbol.

since symbols are going to be an item repeated in multiple pages. if you save it as a symbol and decide to change it later, you can change one symbol and it changes all the rest. if later we decide to change something I don’t need to change the single item you can do it to one and its all connected as a linked thing.

telling it in prototype if you click on just the arrow thats when you want it to travel to that image. if you click on previous arrow show where to make associations so when you play it whenever the mouse hovers around the arrow you go to next image

when you copy things in prototype you copy with the the links you made. So if i copy the header it keeps the prototype links.