
Spring 2019

Web Design

So this week I had the pleasure of re-thinking my original design to optimize it as a ux design portfolio as well as one that would show off code (or in the case of the girl I'm making it for, architecture).

To reiterate, this template will be a ux design/architecture and ux design/coding portfolio (either depending on which pictures and information I switch out.)

I started looking up awesome ux design portfolios and again, I looked at websites like apples to see how they deal with and embrace white space.

I thought of another page that might be wise to include between the 'sky transition' and the 'gridlist' of projects, which would be a screen that gives the user 4 simple, labeled choices as to what kinds of projects they would like to view within the portfolio. I think giving them a gridlist of items to view right off the bat will be overwhelming. see picture below for example

I'm not done designing it yet. I'm running late as to finishing the design work for this and I wanted to send it to jessica like last week, but I just keep thinking there are more improvements that could be made. I'm going to send it to her over spring break. Its just hard to know when to stop.

Already though, this prototype has made a huge difference in how easily I am able to conceptualize the project. I have the images and everything I need to get started with the project. I was able to pre-make all the transitions and flows I'll need in code, and only knew I'd need those because of the prototype.

OTHER SOURCES: simonpan.com shows easily selectable categories that can occur before the gridlist.

I started doing things in react-reveal but I'll talk about that in the 'react' section of my tutorials. It is hard, though, to distinguish where the design work ends and the coding starts. They really feel like inseparable processes.

attachments [paper clip]

  last modified size
TXT Screen_Shot_2019-02-18_at_8.06.58_AM.png Wed Jul 03 2024 05:48 am 686K
TXT Screen_Shot_2019-02-18_at_8.07.29_AM.png Wed Jul 03 2024 05:48 am 1.4M
TXT Screen_Shot_2019-02-18_at_8.07.36_AM.png Wed Jul 03 2024 05:48 am 584K