
Spring 2019

Ben - Feb 14

This time, I tried to stick closer to the concrete syntax used in the book. I'm still using the : and := notations to indicate informal type declarations and definitions of meta-level named constants.

We'll use num_n to denote the PCF term representing the natural number n. This is written as n with an overline in the book.

Chapter 19: System PCF of Recursive Functions


We can implement a tuple of functions f, g both of type nat -> nat as a function p : nat -> nat -> nat such that p(0) behaves as f and p(n) behaves as g for nonzero n. Then (letting 1 be shorthand for s(z)):

even_odd : nat -> nat -> nat
even_odd := fix eo : nat -> nat -> nat is λ (w : nat) λ (n : nat)
    ifz w {z -> ifz n {z -> 1 | s(n') -> eo(1)(n')}
         | s(_) -> ifz n {z -> z | s(n') -> eo(z)(n')}}
even : nat -> nat
odd : nat -> nat
even := even_odd(0)
odd := even_odd(1)

This is a pretty direct translation of the following Haskell:

evenOdd =
  let eo = \w n -> if w == 0
        then (if n == 0 then 1 else eo 1 (n - 1))
        else (if n == 0 then 0 else eo 0 (n - 1))
  in eo


minimize : (nat -> nat -> nat) -> nat -> nat
minimize := λ (phi : nat -> nat -> nat) λ (n : nat)
    (fix min_from : nat -> nat is λ (cur : nat)
        ifz phi(cur)(n) {z -> cur | s(_) -> min_from(s(cur))})(z)

Let's work with the strict dynamics for PCF, so that any term of type nat is either nonterminating or num_n for some n; this rules out some edge cases. Suppose that the partial mathematical function φ : N -> N -> N is definable in strict PCF by the term phi. Then its minimization function ψ : N -> N is definable by the term minimize(phi). For all natural numbers n, we have:

minimize(phi)(num_n) ≡
(fix min_from : nat -> nat is λ (cur : nat)
    ifz phi(cur)(num_n) {z -> cur | s(_) -> min_from(s(cur))})(z)

Let mf denote this term:

fix min_from : nat -> nat is λ (cur : nat)
   ifz phi(cur)(num_n) {z -> cur | s(_) -> min_from(s(cur))}

We need to show that mf(z) ≡ num_m iff φ(m, n) = 0 and φ(m', n) is defined and nonzero for all m' ≤ m. As a preliminary, we note that for all natural numbers c:

  1. φ(c, n) = 0 implies mf(num_c) |->* num_c;
  2. φ(c, n) defined and nonzero implies mf(num_c) |->* mf(num_{c + 1});
  3. φ(c, n) undefined implies that mf(num_c) is nonterminating.

Each of these follows easily by simple expansion of mf(num_c) and the relationship between φ and phi. Note also that each of these |->*s implies an . We now separately consider the case where there exists an m with the desired property and the case where there does not.

Suppose that there exists such an m. Then since m is the only number that can satisfy those conditions (it is unique since it is minimal), and since we can only have mf(z) ≡ num_x for at most one x, it suffices to show that mf(z) ≡ num_m. We show this by induction; to be precise, we show that that for all d ≤ m, we have mf(num_{m - d}) ≡ num_m, so then our goal follows when d = m (this is basically doing induction "counting down" instead of "counting up"). In the base case, we need mf(num_m) ≡ num_m. This is immediate from case 1 in the note above. In the induction step, suppose we have mf(num_{m - (d - 1)}) ≡ num_m and d ≤ m. Note that φ(m - d, n) is defined and nonzero (since d > 0) and that num_{m - (d - 1)} = s(num_{m - d}). Then mf(num_{m - d}) ≡ mf(s(num_{m - d})) ≡ mf(num_{m - (d - 1)}) ≡ num_m.

Finally, we can consider the case where there is no m meeting the necessary criteria. There are two possibilities: one is that no φ(m, n) = 0, and one is that there is some minimal m with φ(m, n) = 0 but φ(m', n) is undefined for some m' < m. Either way, we need to show that there is no m with mf(z) ≡ num_m. This is equivalent to mf(z) being nonterminating, since it is equivalent to mf(z) reducing to num_m, and it terminates iff it reduces to a numeral. I'll sketch an outline of the rest of the proof, since this is getting long: if there is an m, but something is undefined before it, then mf(z) |->* mf(num_{m'}) where m' is the minimum natural with φ(m', n) undefined, and then we have nontermination. If there is no m, then we either hit a point where we are undefined, or we just keep searching upward forever; i.e., mf(z) |->* mf(num_x) for all x.


It seems like it would be tricky to rigorously prove this, but I don't think it's definable. Consider the case where e_1 and e_2 are both nonterminating; then the only way that e(e_1)(e_2) can be terminating is if it never eliminates either of its arguments and does not return either. But then it must be constant, since eliminating the arguments or returning them is the only way to derive a result from them. Similarly, I don't think there's any reasonable extension of PCF that would allow this---it seems like it would give a solution to the halting problem.

Chapter 20: System FPC of Recursive Types


ap := λ (f : D) λ (x : D) unfold(f)(x)
k := fold(λ (x : D) fold(λ (y : D) x))
s := fold(λ (f : D) fold(λ (g : D) fold(λ (x : D) ap(ap(f)(x))(ap(g)(x))))


Suppose that Γ, x : [τ'/t]τ |- e' : τ' and Γ |- e : rec t is τ. Then define

rec(x.e'; e) := (fix r : (rec t is τ) -> τ' is λ (v : rec t is τ)
        (λ (x : [τ'/t]τ) e')(map+{t.τ}(v'.r(v'))(unfold(v)))

Suppose that Γ, x : τ' |- e' : [τ'/t]τ' and Γ |- e : τ'. Then define

gen(x.e'; e) := (fix g : τ' -> (rec t is τ) is λ (st : τ')
        fold(map+{t.τ}(st'.g(st'))((λ (x : τ') e')(st)))

Under the eager interpretation, the dynamics of this rec closely resemble those of eager M's rec construct, while the dynamics of this gen are not quite the same---eager M's gen is immediately a value and will only expand incrementally as it is demanded by unfolds, whereas this gen immediately expands as far as possible, which may not terminate in some cases that were fine in M. For example, the ω := gen(x.r·x; ()) given on page 131 is nonterminating in eager FPC.

Under the lazy interpretation, the dynamics of both this rec and this gen closely resemble those of lazy M's rec and gen constructs. However, since new infinite elements of recursive types have been introduced, like the ω above, there will be cases where usage of rec will not terminate, analogously to gen's failure in eager FPC.


Assuming that we're representing bool by unit + unit, with l·() true and r·() false, define:

signal := rec t is bool * t
nor1 : bool -> bool -> bool
nor1 := λ (a : bool) λ (b : bool)
    case a {l·_ -> r·() | r·_ -> case b of {l·_ -> r·() | r·_ -> l·()}}
nor : signal -> signal -> signal
nor := λ (a : signal) λ (b : signal)
             (unfold(st·l)·r, unfold(st·r)·r));
        (a, b))

nor stores a pair of signals as its state, and at each unfolding step, it nors their heads and stores their tails as the next state. This all only works under lazy FPC; in eager FPC, the type signal is inhabited only by nonterminating computations.

Here is a latch:

latch : signal -> signal -> signal * signal
latch := λ (r : signal) λ (s : signal) fix outs : signal * signal is
    (fold((r·(), nor1(r)(outs·r))), (fold((l·(), nor1(s)(outs·l))))

This corresponds to the following somewhat-more-readable Haskell:

latch :: Signal -> Signal -> (Signal, Signal)
latch r s = let outs = (False : nor r (snd outs), True : nor s (fst outs))
            in outs

The conses are to introduce an initial state in the latch, meaning that changes in output will be slightly delayed. Notably, a set or reset signal must last at least two "ticks" in order for the latch to reach a stable state; if a signal is provided for only one tick, the latch will remain in an unstable alternating state. Examples:

GHCi> let preview (q, q') = (take 10 q, take 10 q')
GHCi> preview (latch (repeat False) (False:True:True:repeat False))
    ([False, False, False, True, True, True, True, True, True, True],
     [True, True, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False])
GHCi> preview (latch (repeat False) (False:True:False:repeat False))
    ([False, False, False, True, False, True, False, True, False, True],
     [True, True, False, True, False, True, False, True, False, True])
https://cs.marlboro.college /cours /spring2019 /jims_tutorials /sarahr /feb14
last modified Tue February 18 2025 10:47 pm