1. Assignment 1
due Fri Feb 8
- From Chapter 1 of OpenIntro Stats (Section 1.9, p55 onwards): 1.4, 1.11, 1.15 (what? I'm not hinting anything...), 1.34, 1.54.
- Find the mean, median and standard deviation of the data for one of the cookies, like we did in class (i.e. don't get R to just calculate it for you, but you can use it, or something else, to do the arithmetic). Check your answers in R.
- R has a built-in data set called "iris". Typing "iris" into an R window will make it show up. Typing "?iris" will give you the help page that describes it. Use some of the tools you learned in the R lab to examine and describe this data set.
- Make a graph in ggplot2. Use any data you like (there are some links on the resources page you might want to explore, and R has some built-in ones too like the iris one from the last question). The goal here is to get started and familiar with it rather than spending hours crafting some perfect complicated visualisation.
- Find a graph out in the wild (on the internet, in a newspaper, a textbook,...) that you think is misleading. Explain why. The more reputable the source and egregious the visualisation, the more imaginary bonus points you score.
- Find a visualisation out in the wild that is at least moderately complex and that you think does a good job. Explain why you think it does.
2. Assignment 2
due Fri Mar 1
- Probability Lab Exercises and "On Your Own" problems at the end. (If you have RStudio, try using Knit Document to make a PDF of your work.)
- From Chapter 2 of OpenIntro Stats (Section 2.6, p116 onwards): 2.1, 2.10, 2.12, 2.13, 2.25, 2.32
- How long did it take you to complete the Campus Climate Survey, if you took it? Any comments (if so, please comment on the google doc directly)?
3. Final Project Check-in 1
due Tue Mar 5
Please write up a "proposal" for your final project. Write a paragraph describing which data set you are going to look at, and some ideas for research questions that you would like to answer in your analysis.
4. Assignment 3
due Fri Mar 29
- Distributions Lab Exercises and "On Your Own" problems at the end. Use ggplot2 or qplot to make all of the graphs that are used in the lab.
- Do something cool, learning something new that you haven't done before, in ggplot2.
- From Chapter 3 of OpenIntro Stats (Section 3.6, page 158 onwards): 3.3, 3.7 (use R to find your answers), 3.17, 3.36
5. Assignment 4
due Fri Apr 12
- Intro to Inference Lab Exercises and "On Your Own" problems at the end.
- From Chapter 4 of OpenIntro Stats (Section 4.6, page 203 onwards): 4.3, 4.5, 4.13, 4.21, 4.30
6. Final Project Check-in 2
due Tue Apr 16
Please write up a more detailed "proposal" for your final project. This can be added to your last check-in. Please include definitions of the variables you will be using/measuring in your final project. Be as precise as possible.
7. Assignment 5
due Mon Apr 22
- Confidence Levels lab (all of the exercises and the "On Your Own" problems).
- From Chapter 5 of OpenIntro Stats (Section 5.6, page 257 onwards): 5.8, 5.27, 5.29, 5.41, 5.42, 5.49
8. Draft of Final Project
due Fri Apr 26
Please submit a draft of your final project today. Your write-up should involve an introduction of your research question or hypothesis, some work with R, graphs on ggplot2, analysis, and final remarks.
9. Assignment 6
due Wed May 1
- Inference for numerical data lab, and either the Inference for categorical data lab, or Introduction to linear regression lab (your choice)
- From Chapter 6 of OpenIntro Stats (Section 6.7, page 312 onwards): 6.39, 6.40, 6.44
10. Final Project
due Tue May 7
Please submit your final project to me by May 7 at 4:30 pm. I am not allowed to accept work after this.
Your write-up should involve an introduction of your research question or hypothesis, some work with R, graphs on ggplot2, analysis, and final remarks.