
Spring 2020

Jan 31

Topics for this week : visualization, vectors, matrices Please explore chapters 3 & 4 in the text.


Chapter 3 shows you how to make some basic plots such as histograms and scatterplots in jupyter.

(Be aware that matplotlib - one of the standard ways to make these plots in this environment - has its own idiosyncrasies. Most of the functions change a global default "figure" object, and it may draw (or not draw) a plot depending on what it expects you want. Trying to initiate or show a plot from within a function may not behave the way you expect. Check out its docs - I've put links on the resources page - and follow their examples.)


Chapter 4 discusses briefly vectors (1D arrays of numbers) and matrices (2D arrays of numbers), and some ways to combine and operate on them.

I'll walk through some of the code from the book for both chapters and show you another file of graphics I wrote last year, using the attached files.

your mission ...

Your job for this week:

We'll play around in class with these ideas using the iris flower dataset.

Think of this as getting your feet wet for the project(s) you'll dive into more deeply later in the term.

Here are a few datasets you might consider. See the resources page for more options, or search online with terms like "dataset" and a topic you're interested in. /cours /spring2020 /data /notes /jan31
last modified Wed July 3 2024 5:45 am

attachments [paper clip]

  last modified size
TXT 3_visualizing.html Wed Jul 03 2024 05:45 am 555K
TXT 3_visualizing.ipynb Wed Jul 03 2024 05:45 am 263K
TXT 4_vectors.html Wed Jul 03 2024 05:45 am 280K
TXT 4_vectors.ipynb Wed Jul 03 2024 05:45 am 5.8K
TXT fib_fit.html Wed Jul 03 2024 05:45 am 537K
TXT fib_fit.ipynb Wed Jul 03 2024 05:45 am 248K