March 31
Getting going
Hi folks.
I hope that you're all doing as well as can be expected
given the pandemic and all the recent stress.
At this point I am planning on holding a zoom session tomorrow at our regular
time (11:30am EDT Tue March 31) and will send out an email with a link.
I've also set up a Question and Answer
page here on our website, with a link over on the left. We'll see
if that's a useful way to connect with each other.
The faculty is discussing Tuesday morning about whether or not to
turn classes to pass/fail (with grades as opt-in for those who want them).
the rest of the term
We have about six weeks left in the term. I have several ideas
about how we could use that productively given the current situation,
and would like to hear your thoughts.
(0) cookies, tracking, ads, and all that : read & discuss
- zoom - privacy concerns, Facebook SDK gripes
- what do "ad blockers" actually do : routers, DNS, pi-hole and all that.
- related DNS example
- to do : find examples to document & explain
(1) group collaborative website project
- cooking recipes : post, browse, etc
- all the bells and whistles
- domain name and "real" url
- google adwords & analytics
- https via (and read about http vs https)
- 3rd party sign in (apple, google, facebook, ...)
- put in security holes ... exploit & then fix
- allow js typed into a web form to make its way onto the page (i.e. in a recipe)
- google "cross site scripting" and see some of its many forms
- allow unsanitized SQL to get from form to database execution
- practice with the typical collaboration tools
- github :
- slack :
- deploy to the cloud; perhaps one of
- heroku
- nearlyfreespeech
- AWS : elastic beanstalk (?) , S3 (static)
(3) "stealing the network: the complete series" : read & discuss a book
(4) skillz & hacking
- installing public/private ssh keys
- nmap (maybe "nmap network scanning" book)
- training & practice
after class notes ... first virtual meeting.
- Everyone was here; we're all on the east coast.
- We agreed to continue synchronous meetings at our regular time.
- We're moving to pass/fail , with an option for grades.
- We agreed to read "stealing the network" book; will start with chapter 1
- We will do some readings on cookies & trackers ... discuss Thursday?
- You should send me github identities, and I'll set us us.
- I'll invite you to a slack workspace for us to try.
- I set a "tell me what you did this week" assignment due next Tuesday.