an Electronics

Fall 2018


    title       Gadgets: an Electronics & Micro-controller Lab
    number      NSC597
    term        Fall 2018
    credits     2
    time        Wed 3:30pm - 5:50pm
    level       Introductory
    faculty     Jim Mahoney
    repeat      no, cannot be repeated for credit
    prereq      none

    text        Sparkfun Inventor's Kit v4.0
                and its Experiment Guide

    blurb       A hands-on exploration of interactive electronics with
                a programmable microcontroller and various sensors, 
                motors, lights and switches to see the basics of 
                circuits, coding, and the techniques behind the 
                DIY (Do It Yourself) "Maker" culture.

The projects in the Sparkfun Inventor's Kit Experiment Guide are

    Project 1: Light
        Circuit 1A: Blinking an LED
        Circuit 1B: Potentiometer
        Circuit 1C: Photoresistor
        Circuit 1D: RGB Night-Light
    Project 2: Sound
        Circuit 2A: Buzzer
        Circuit 2B: Digital Trumpet
        Circuit 2C: “Simon Says” Game
    Project 3: Motion
        Circuit 3A: Servo Motors
        Circuit 3B: Distance Sensor
        Circuit 3C: Motion Alarm
    Project 4: Display
        Circuit 4A: LCD “Hello, World!”
        Circuit 4B: Temperature Sensor
        Circuit 4C: “DIY Who Am I?” Game
    Project 5: Robot
        Circuit 5A: Motor Basics
        Circuit 5B: Remote-Controlled Robot
        Circuit 5C: Autonomous Robot

My plan is to do about two out of each of these three, one per week, 
and along the way discuss ideas from circuits and programming 
as needed. 

Each student will also choose a final project to create, along with a 
paper describing what it is and how it works.

College Policies


‘Plagiarism’ occurs when a student, with intent to deceive or with reckless disregard for proper scholarly procedures, presents any information, ideas or phrasing of another as if they were his/her own and/or does not give appropriate credit to the original source. Proper scholarly procedures require that all quoted material be identified by quotation marks or indentation on the page, and the source of information and ideas, if from another, must be identified and be attributed to that source. Students are responsible for learning proper scholarly procedures."

See the college's Policy on Academic Integrity.

Academic Accommodations

This course will honor all reasonable accommodations for students with documented disabilaties. If you have a disability that requires specific accommodation, please contact Catherine O’Callaghan, Assistant Dean of Academic Advising & Support, Catherine will convene the ADA commitee to review documentation and determine what accommodations are warranted. Catherine will then provide a letter to faculty outlining reasonable accommodations. It is your responsibility to engage in this process; i.e., disclose your disability, provide documentation, request accommodations, and deliver the accommodations letter to your faculty. /cours /fall2018 /gadgets /syllabus
last modified Wed February 19 2025 9:37 pm