So in the spirit of thinking about plan and my own app and what that will look like, I decided to take a crack at writing a spec for my eventual plan project.
So, I want to make a flashy portfolio as my final project using TDD. Maybe. Here's my first attempt at writing the spec for this app, given everything I've read about Gherkin and spec writing so far.
Portfolio App: Essential Features
User story: Must not something users browse, but something users experience. A media and visual-arts portfolio that displays code snippets and/or articles and other work I’ve done in a comprehensive, visually appealing way.
-Must have react animations that showcase the items being displayed and watched discussion about react animations. Also read about best react website animations like this one
-Must compartmentalize item display in the code such that it is easy to interchange one product with another
-Must separate “connectors” from “components” (components being that which displays things, while connectors do not
-Must be made using code driven development
-Minimally designed- one main display page, a few off-shooting pages if necessary