
Fall 2019

Alex - Nov 21


My work

Read chapter 16 (was a long chapter).

Followed this tutorial, https://github.com/dabit3/react-notes

Took awhile and a bit of troubleshooting but I got it working.. and then had to delete it. However, it was a more interesting project from the previous one I chose.

It was a similar project to the PHP todo list I made but I think I preferred this way. PHP is a mess and anytime I can avoid using it I'm happy.

This tutorial used Amplify CLI which is: "Amplify CLI is the command line tool that you will use to create and manage the backend for your React app. In the upcoming sections, you will use Amplify CLI to simplify various operations. The CLI enables you to create and configure your backend quickly, even without leaving the command line!"

For this program, it specifically:

"The CLI creates and provisions related resources on your account
The CLI updates your ‘/amplify’ folder, which has all the relevant information about your backend on AWS
The CLI updates the configuration file aws-exports.js with the latest resource credentials"

Amazon DynamoDB uses NoSQL which I hadn't really messed with but it was relatively simple to understand.

Also, this felt fairly familiar, having done so much Python recently.

import Amplify, { API, graphqlOperation } from "aws-amplify";
import { listNotes } from './graphql/queries';

const allNotes = await API.graphql(graphqlOperation(listNotes));

Overall I feel fairly comfortable with basic Amazon AWS projects at this point. I'm also rather confident that if I had to know more for work I could learn it a fair bit faster now that I've had some exposure.

Read the link on Microservices found: https://dev.to/kgoralski/deep-dive-into-microservices-architecture-h54

Fairly random but found this on HackerNews about scaling a marketplace business and found it interesting as well: https://www.lennyrachitsky.com/p/how-to-kickstart-and-scale-a-marketplace

I see Pandas brought up quite a bit when looking into what people are using in the workplace. I imagine it's not overly difficult to use? https://pandas.pydata.org/

Started writing up a summary of sorts of what we went over for a final write-up.

Started looking into a final project for the Python class that uses networking as I thought that was a really cool idea. I don't know how complicated a program I'll be able to make doing that but I'll definitely be giving it a go. More than anything I'm just interested in seeing how that works as I haven't created a program like that before and obviously programs that can communicate with one another are fairly common.

in jim's office

https://cs.marlboro.college /cours /fall2019 /jims_tutorials /arome /nov21
last modified Tue February 18 2025 10:19 pm