
Spring 2020

April 30

recommender systems

overview of topics in the texbook :

Given data per user that lists what they like (say movie ratings), how should we pick suggested movies for a given individual?


How to organize in files complicated data collections?

Consider books, their authors, and their publishers.

This doesn't work well.



Instead of trying to put an author list into a book as we would do in a language like python

book = {name='This book', authors=['George', 'Alice']}

we user reference pointers (ids) to refer to other "things" (objects) in our database.

Here's an example.

id, name, address, phone, ...
1, Bob's Books, ...
2, Mary's Magazines, ...

id, name, address, phone, ...
1, John Smith, ...
2, Jane Doe, ....

id, name, ISBN, ...
1, A Field Guide to Benches, 1112223334
2, Rocket Science Made Easy, 9879879876

So far so good : no replication of information, no ever-expanding columns.

But now we need to make the relations. There are several types

Since each book only has a single publisher, we can put a single pointer in the book database to that publisher's id.

id, name, ISBN, publisher_id
1, A Field Guide to Benches, 1112223334, 2     
2, Rocket Science Made Easy, 9879879876, 1

Many to many is the tricky one. We make a new table with an entry for each connection. Sometimes there's an obvious name for this table; sometimes not.

id, author_id, book_id
1, 1, 1
2, 2, 1
3, 1, 2

The "id" in that last table is the unique identity of the connection ... which we may never need. (Unless we start making changes.)

Quick quiz: who are the authors of which books?

And here's favorite explanation of this stuff : the gaytabase (That version is not currently online, only this shorter version.) /cours /spring2020 /data /notes /apr30
last modified Wed February 19 2025 8:58 pm