Physics I

Spring 2020

Tue March 31

Getting going

Hi folks.

I hope that you're all doing as well as can be expected given the pandemic and all the recent stress.

For this class, assignments and work turned in will continue to be through this website.

We'll try to continue meeting in a zoom video chat at our regular meeting time where we can discuss the material.

I will be posting more regular lecture notes here where you can see what I think we'll be doing in class, and with links to related material in other places.

If you want to see my version of any of the homework problems, let me know and I'll write something up.

I've also set up a Question and Answer page here on our website, with a link over on the left.


Here's what I have in mind for the rest of the term.

  March  31,  2           chap 9, 10   energy
  April   7,  9                11      momentum
         14, 16                12      rotations
         21, 23                        ... more rotations
     28, 30                13      ... review & extras
  May     5     Fri 8th    final:  one problem each from 9, 10, 11, 12, 13

We started talking about energy before the break. Given that, I'd like to do both chapters 9 and 10 this week, with an assignment due a week from today on both, which I've already posted.


Here are a couple of software physics thingies that might be fun to look at.


Problems that we may look at in class :


Readings & videos :

after class notes

It was nice to connect with all four of you online.

I've attached pdf's of the virtual whiteboard problems I did during class, fixed the slideshow links, and put in links to the software that I mentioned.

:) /cours /spring2020 /mechanics /notes /mar31
last modified Wed July 3 2024 5:52 am

attachments [paper clip]

  last modified size
TXT 10_24.pdf Wed Jul 03 2024 05:52 am 294K
TXT 10_52.pdf Wed Jul 03 2024 05:52 am 151K
TXT 9_40.pdf Wed Jul 03 2024 05:52 am 132K
TXT tunelling.pdf Wed Jul 03 2024 05:52 am 128K