
Spring 2020


1. Assignment 1 due Wed Feb 26

2. Assignment 2 due Fri Apr 10

[Note: submission date changed as part of the coronavirus rethink.]

3. Assignment 3 due Fri May 1

Chapters 4 and 5. From OpenIntro Stats (and using R):

4. Assignment 4 due Fri May 8

Broad description: Do some statistical inference.

Slightly more deatiled description: find a data set (one of the built-in ones in R is fine, use library(help="datasets") to see the full list; mtcars and iris are two we've used that are suitable for this) and run several appropriate tests using t-tests, ANOVA, \(\chi^2\)-tests and/or linear regressions. Explain your results. Maybe make some visualisation too. (This assignment is a chance to explore the world of inferential stats, so as long as you make some progress under this heading you're doing the right thing.)

5. Project due Tue May 12

Submit the write-up for your project.

6. Final Grade due Fri May 15

Nothing for you to do. This is here as an assignment so that there's a place on the grades page to put the final grade.