
Fall 2018

plan plans two

*Met with Amy beecher and discussed any input she might have in my website design goals. She said she would casually review my work, occasionally, and also asked me to talk to her class about the difference between vector and bitmap images so that was kind of cool. I do feel like I can do that, maybe show how I got those images I discussed in my SpecPlanning folder, into a website and show some connections between art and graphic design and website design.

*Talked with Larisa for several hours about her art and the storyline and got several pics to start with that I am interested in making into a website. I want to narrate her depiction of the deforestation of the amazon, before and after, and her ideas/images about urbanization that would also serve to preserve this resource. The artwork is pretty stunning, I'll attach one pic below to show you what I'd like to start with.

*I started looking into rails and the model-view-controller aspects of it and thinking about what I'd like to include in the website- I'm also thinking about including something where people can post comments.. if people can participate in her work, would be good and maybe lead to activism around it.

*Started thinking about the javascript I'd need to learn for the react parts of this. Might do that over winter break so that I can start next semester just hitting making this website.

https://cs.marlboro.college /cours /fall2018 /jims_tutorials /nate_leslie /lwilson /plan2
last modified Wed January 15 2025 8:41 am