Rails Syllabus
Weeks 1 and 2
Object Oriented Programming
- Basic object composition and syntax with exercises gradually increasing in complexity creating a functional blackjack game from command-line.
Weeks 3 and 4
Testing Intro
- Rspec tests
- Test Driven Development
- learning testing syntax for unit and method tests
- learning to follow tests to construct ruby classes
Weeks 5 and 6
Web Protocols
- Basic web protocol syntax
- creating dynamic web apps with sinatra
- web forms
- dynamic routing and saving/pulling data from a csv file
Weeks 7 and 8
Web Cont'd
- Acceptance testing with capybara
- Creation of more advanced dynamic web-pages with CRUD actions
- Some information on web-design, style guides and using foundation or bootstrap.
Weeks 9 and 10
Tables & Databases
- SQL basics with Postgres and Ruby
- creating SQL tables
- SQL queries
- SQL joins
- modifying web apps to use a SQL database instead of a CSV
Weeks 11 and 12
CRUD apps
- ActiveRecord basics
- migrations
- CRUD actions
- validations and associations
- creating ER diagrams
- building a CRUD app with Sinatra and ActiveRecord
- testing ActiveRecord models and associations with RSpec
- following tests to create a functional app.
Weeks 13 and 14
- Ruby on Rails Intro
- setting up Rails
- MVC pattern
- Rails forms
- testing Rails Controllers
- creating a stack-overflow style CRUD app
- following tests to create a review site