Wordpress Syllabus Details and Schedule
Week 1
Getting started
- Installation
- Getting Dev Environment Set Up (flywheel)
- First Tastes of PHP
First Coding Steps: PHP
- Creating a new theme
- PHP functions
- PHP Arrays
- PHP Drills
Week 2
Wordpress Specific PHP
- The famous “loop” in Wordpress
- Header and footer
- Convert static HTML template into Wordpress
- Interior Page Template
- Parent & Children Pages
- To echo or Not To Echo
- Menu of Child Page Links
- Navigation Menus
Week 3
Building the Blog Section
- Blog listing page(index.php vs. front-page.php)
- Blog archives (archive.php)
- Custom queries
- Making edits and improvements to blogs
Workflow Automation
- Using Gulp
- Preparing for automation w/command line
Week 4
Week 5
Events Post Type
- Custom post types and displaying them
- Quick timeout: Misc. Updates
- Custom fields
- Ordering (sorting) custom queries
- Manipulating default URL Based Queries
- Past Events page (custom query pagination)
Week 6
Programs post type
- Creating relationships between content
- Displaying relationships on the front end
- Some more editing tricks
Professors Post Type
- Featured image (post thumbnail)
- Sizes and cropping for images
Cleaner Code (less duplication)
- Use the “pagebanner” function
- Other ways to reduce duplication
Week 7
Campus Post Type
- Campus Map on Front-end
- Campuses Continued
Live Search (UI Javascript)
- Livesearch
- Open and close search overlay
- Keyboard events in javascript
- Waiting/loading spinner icon
Week 8
Week 9
Wordpress REST API (AJAX)
- Load WP content with JS
- Generate HTML Based on JSON
- Conditional Logic within Template Literal
- Quick Misc. Edits
- Synchronous Vs. Asynchronous
Customizing the REST API
- REST API: Add new custom field
- REST API: Add new custom route
- Create your own Raw JSON data
- WP_Query and Keyword Searching
- Working with Multiple Post Types
Week 10
Combining the front-end & back-end
- column layout for search overlay
- Custom layout & JSON based-post type
- Search Logic that’s aware of relationships
- Completing the search overlay
- Non-JS Fallback Traditional Search
- Traditional Wordpress Searching
- User Roles and Permissions
- Open registration
Week 11
- User Generated Content
- “my notes” feature
- Delete posts with the REST API
- Edit/update posts with the REST API
- Creating new notes
- Note permission and security
- Per-user post limit
Like or “heart” count for professors
- Let users “like” content
- Creating custom POST and DELETE endpoints
- Programmatically create a post
- Enforce limit of one like per user/teacher combo
- Completing the likebox
Week 12
Going live: deploying the Wordpress Site
- Manually moving a site
- Database config for two site environments
- Ignoring certain files with git
- Automatic git deployments to web hosts
- Make homepage slideshow dynamic
- Create a basic plugin
- Have an update plan in place (security)
- Query Vars
- Javascript next steps
Week 13
Debugging and Documentation
- Fixing “.dev” domains
- Intro to Virtualbox and Vagrant
- Our first site with virtualbox and vagrat
- How to start and stop Vagrant
- Only for Vagrant Users (installing wordpress)
- Setting up new(multiple) sites in Vagrant/VirtualBox.