
Fall 2018

Wordpress Week 5

Wordpress Ruled my Life This Week

So, the customer is always right, and wordpress ruled my entire life this week. The site went from version 1 (see pic) to version 2 (ditto), to version 3 using a different template called "flately", then to version 4 when he wanted his ugly old pictures put back (which we inserted into the new flatly site), and then back to version 2!! GAHH.

I thought about the indochino site for the latest modifications (version 3) and it literally took forever to decide how things should be arranged so it was more visually appealing. The entire time, nate was making my life impossible questioning every decision. BUT he's more familiar with flately, so I stumbled around it as he did, making modifications until the homepage looked more modern.

The reason we decided to change to flately is because we started taking a look at the "about us" pages and some of the other requirements for Dan's site and realized that other templates lay out this kind of thing so it more readily looks polished. Initially I'd tried to stay away from anything other than 100% customizable templates because I wanted Dans website to maintain its originality. So, it did, but it will be a timesaver to switch over to flately in the longrun.

So, I prepared (version 3) then I showed screenshots to dan (because I am in charge of all business interactions, lol) and he actually preferred the uglier pictures in rows of 3 because of one small detail he had'nt really shared with us initially - HIS CLIENTELE ARE SENIORS.

So, this whole time I was going for a UX/UI that told a story and gave context to the product. But it turns out Dan favors more straightforward, "right in your face" stuff for people who can't handle (or even know about) visual experience.

So just came from that meeting with dan. The customer is always right. Then, ironically, he's sending me alternative pictures that DO tell more of a story so I think now his whistle is whetted for something with a bit more modern style.

Either way, the new UX/UI focus is going to be something that BLAM- gives you all 6 categories of product IN YOUR FACE- while simultaneously managing to look clean, elegant and modern. Not difficult at all.

Well it took Nate and I together a total of about 8 hours to switch over to flately, remake the navbar, wrangle the footer into submission, and decide what cruft that came with the template needed to be forcibly removed (instagram? yeah right)

Nate and I (and especially nate) are waiting to see when we will need to dive into the PHP. Perhaps, actually, with the latest batch of modification's we'll need to make. Dan wants three images across which means our div within a div needs to widen which means probably finally checking out the PHP. Nate wants to know why we need stuff like divs within divs when no other site has it. And I'm saying, these darn templates need to be made UNIQUE somehow, some way, so now that we have the baseline all set can make that a priority.

https://cs.marlboro.college /cours /fall2018 /jims_tutorials /nate_leslie /lwilson /wpWk5
last modified Wed January 15 2025 8:51 am

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TXT version_1.png Wed Jan 15 2025 08:51 am 1.3M